Inside Dell's Austin assembly plant

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dermot
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Thanks for the tour, Dermot.
I just bought a new Dell last week. I think they may have skipped the testing stage has some kinks.
Mike not a share….my wife physically owns the lot (I’m a kept man)……Dell like to keep her on board….she does a great job for them and they have being good to her……she has outsourced the management of her Dell stock to me….she hasn’t got the time she is to busy running a division of Dell’s across Europe…because Jean owns the shares we cannot get the befit of the dual taxation relief on the share she owns…a complex bit of taxation in Ireland that our tax people are trying to resolve as it is affects top level executives that we need to attract to Ireland to keep the economy on the roll that it is on……believe me our tax people will resolve this issue…..which is very complex and could affect other areas of our tax codes….it is one of the few areas of tax that people over here would have a big gripe with….so we have little to gripe about…

If you look at the Dell shares over the last few years they have shifted up and down by between .50cent and $1.5 every day….if you day traded on this stock say about 300 shares and pitched to make .30cent on each share traded that is $90 a day by 5 days $450 per week $22500 per year…….less expensed and tax…..the trick to this type of trading is that you MUST get in and out in the one day… can be possible to do a few trades each day……but again I repeat you MUST get in and out on the day….I have not had the courage to jump with this sort of trading as I have the currency situation to consider…..but I do know the guy who showed it to me is making about $1200 per month at present trading Dell stock on the day….he has the advantage of being based in the US…..I have done a dry few runs and kept a spread sheet for a month…I only got caught on few day….the market was very turbulent that month..

The trick for this sort of trading is to look for a very modest profit and to pick a good steady company like Dell….though I have to admit Gateway shares are on a bit of a roll…

I don’t think it affect our Dell shares but given Jeans position and in the interest of good stock trading behaviour I will not discuss Dell shares again till they report towards the middle of the month.
heard dell was thinking about new plant in NC in the Traid
do you have to own a dell to get a job?
Dell are on a roll….did you see the share price today!!!!!……….
:D :cool:

They will be good jobs in NC and they will last… now cost’s more to ship a Dell computer than it cost to build one (labour cost) ……this is why the plant is going into NC to be nearer the customer base on east coast USA……and there is also the customer contact center going into Oklahoma City another 500 jobs or thereabouts …..and they also announced another 300 jobs in India……..and there are plans for another production plant in the south of Europe…… …and just before anyone starts about cheap China imports the computers Dell produce in China are only for the local China market they do NOT ship computers from China to any market other than China…..
This is fiscal year end for Dell, and its when they have many of the great deals. If I see anything fantastic ill post it in the computer forum...

I'm thankful that Dell is going to build a $242 Million dollar plant in NC. I'm also thankful that they will be hiring a good number of people to staff it.

However, the state of North Carolina had to agree that they would pay Dell $10 per PC assembled. The average assembly person will make $15 per hour. I would bet that each person will assemble at least 2 machines per hour.

So in essences, the Tax Payers of NC will be providing free labor for Dell. I would be willing to hire a full time employee in both Concord and Lexington if I could get the tax paying public to pay my employees for me. How about it Raleigh? Can I get some free employees? I can help make your unemployment numbers look better.

At the very least, they should have brought the plant to Kannapolis where we have a 3.6 million square feet building that is empty.

I have no idea where you got that $10 per machine assembled deal…..I suspect this is some wild reporting in some local rag….the Deal that Dell is getting is on public record go check it out….it certainly wasn’t a deal per machine built ………….that suggestion of $10 per machine is pure and simple rubbish….check it out…….BTW where did you get that $10 per machine information from!!!!!

…..the reality is that ANY business will get a grant for setting up in any area of the WORLD…this is not an exclusive deal that NC are offering……so calm down….I read the outline of the deal that Dell got for NC and it was quite light in comparison to some of the deals that have been offered and granted to other business in other areas of the world…..

Jerry put your business plan together and go to the NC business development people and if you have a valid business plan you will also get your grant…..the catch is that you need a valid and workable business plan….

Regarding the size of the plant and location because of Dell’s patented yes I did say patented method of assembling machines they need a green field site for there plants you just can’t drop there method of assembly into any old factory….believe me I have seen the plant in Limerick Ireland…..

Jerry these are real jobs and NC in total should gain as many if not more spin off jobs from Dell …..for example are you going to pitch for the framing business…..I get it in Ireland and I know of one other Grumbler who gets it in the US……that’s right Dell will and does deal with one person operations……hint here find out who the facilities manager will be in NC and you have the person who you need to chase the framing business.

One other thing that can get overlooked in this sort start up that Dell are putting into NC is that there will have to be an international airfreight service into NC EVERY DAY….do you know what that means!!!!!!.......NC is now going to become one of those rare locations in the World a location that can be used for international trade and that means that just about every business that does business globally can consider NC as a location…..look at Ireland we perused this business development policy 10 to 15 years ago and have gone from been one of the poorest countries in the world to the one of richest…..yes some of our tax goes to attract new investment which produces much much much more than we give out

Oh BTW Dell have got significantly better deals from the Irish Government….I guess your guys in NC are better negotiators ….

Jerry this deal with Dell is about a bit of give and take……the people of NC will be taking a lot more than Dell will ever get….
ROUND ROCK, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)----Dell (NASDAQ:DELL) extended the value it offers retailers with today's launch of a cost-effective, easy-to-use Dell(TM) touch screen monitor priced at just $499.
Often referred to as the "Dell Effect," prices generally drop and value usually increases for customers when Dell enters a market.
Just go this info about the DELL EFFECT thought I would share and see how many Dell shareholders here want to Write Mike Dell & Mr. Rollins to see if we could sway them into a division on moulding manufacturing. Maybe make Warren to start looking at tech. companies. LMAOF
BTW where did you get that $10 per machine information from!!!!!
ABC News, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Independent Tribune (newspaper), News14 Carolina (24 hr local news station), WCNC (local news).

NC is now going to become one of those rare locations in the World a location that can be used for international trade and that means that just about every business that does business globally can consider NC as a location…
Charlotte NC has been a 'Free Trade Zone' for over 15 years. All the more reason the plant should have been moved closer to Charlotte, not the Triad.

I just love the fact that I am always wrong on what is going on in NC. I should start asking other people in the world (outside of the US) about local business conditions and who is going to win political elections.

Wait a minute, I was right about the elections, maybe I am not wrong now.

Dell do not release information about how many systems are produced in any plant world wide….so there is no way that $10 figure means anything other than speculation….from the sources you are quoting (just as I had figured) that’s all it is speculation………granted if you want to play with numbers you could give the deal a $ value per machine…..but unless that $ amount comes from Dell it is simple and pure rubbish and speculation……even Dell would not equate a $ value per machine to this deal… they would have pretty ambitious plans for production in NC…..the reports in the news media are reporters playing with numbers…..tell me what period did they calculate this supposed $10 per machine…..1 year, 5, years, 10 years… is pure speculation and miss leading…..unless Dell gives a number which they won’t it means nothing……

I said nothing about “Free Trade Zones”

There are many “Free Trade Zones” in the world in fact they are all over the place in fact the first one in the world was in Shannon Ireland 45 years ago it was useless without the international services to make it work

……..I said a Daily Air Freight Service….……this is what gives a trading area it’s edge

Regarding my knowledge, I think way beyond my local conditions and in the case of Dell we have had many years of experience with them in Ireland there first site outside the US was in Ireland…....asides from my own personal interest they just happen to be the single biggest employer (5000+ people) in Ireland outside government….so believe me we watch them very closely and carefully over here…….and international trading agreements also make it very easy to compare situations when it comes to global companies like Dell whether the conditions are in NC or Limerick….or where ever

Yes Jerry you were right about the election….you made a good prediction…….prior to the election and until the numbers were counted it was pure speculation…………the numbers spoke…….the numbers in the Dell deal in NC are not in so they cannot speak……..until production starts there are no numbers so it is pure speculation.

Dell has picked very good locations around the world in the past….they are pretty good at it and they have the data to make the decision about where they should locate…..anything else is speculation…..or sounds like sour grapes……

Oh and just one other thing on the numbers I have some knowledge of how many systems Dell can produce in a day on there production line and your 2 per hour is wildly off the mark……..I mean you not even at the same ball game............

This is my last post on the Dell deal in NC and how it equates to a $ value per machine….as it is totally in the area of speculation ….and I find that sort of stuff mean minded and demeaning to a company like Dell……in fact any company or business..
The latest from Dell:

Dell to open new European assembly site in 2-3 years

11.16.04, 12:10 PM ET

AFX News Limited

PARIS, Nov 16, 2004 (AFX-UK via COMTEX) -- Dell Inc plans to open a second computer assembly site in Europe in 2-3 years, chief executive Kevin Rollins told Finance Minister Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday, according to a report in French daily Le Figaro.

Thierry Labbe, managing director of Dell France, confirmed the company will need to open a new site in Europe, but said the company has not yet decided on where it will be.


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