SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Hi all,
I am taking the plunge and getting IF and a wizard 8000.
I am going to promote it in a few different places but want the most bang for the buck.
No one will know what this is or does if I call it integrated framer so I want to call it something different in the adds and I can't seem to put together a quick 1 line phrase that will get the point across about what it does and what the wizard does.
Also since it is not litterally here yet I don't have any before and after pictures to use in the colored adds I'm going to run.
Wizard gave me the go ahead to use theirs but on the website they only had 1 IF related jpg and it was not that great for my needs. (great for framers but not for framing customers)
Can anyone help with an image I may use and a phrase or name for the IF software.
All suggestions are apreciated (even the sacastic ones)
Thanks Grumble!
I am taking the plunge and getting IF and a wizard 8000.
I am going to promote it in a few different places but want the most bang for the buck.
No one will know what this is or does if I call it integrated framer so I want to call it something different in the adds and I can't seem to put together a quick 1 line phrase that will get the point across about what it does and what the wizard does.
Also since it is not litterally here yet I don't have any before and after pictures to use in the colored adds I'm going to run.
Wizard gave me the go ahead to use theirs but on the website they only had 1 IF related jpg and it was not that great for my needs. (great for framers but not for framing customers)
Can anyone help with an image I may use and a phrase or name for the IF software.
All suggestions are apreciated (even the sacastic ones)
Thanks Grumble!