Individual owl pics and specs


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 12, 2000
Mansfield, Ohio
It takes me a while but here are the individual pictures:


8" x 10"
Cheapo readymade frame.

11" x 14"
Top mat (regular matboard - can't remember the color #)
Undermat - Crescent Williamsburg Green 988
Readymade frame that we made from close-out moulding

[ 03-29-2003, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Jana ]

12" x 14" (even mats)
Gold Neilsen frame kit
Top mat - light Gray Marble Black core 64400
Undermat - Specialty Yew Drizzle W54236 - bevel painted black

13" x 15"
Top mat - Bainbridge Sagebrush 4051
Middle mat (1/8" reveal) - Artique Olive A4853
Undermat (1/4" reveal) - Artique Olive Grey A4930
Century framing moulding (a rustic wood)
UV glass

15 1/4" x 18"
Top mat - Bainbridge Victorian Cream 878559
Bevel Accent - Timber BA8236
Undermat (3/8" reveal) - Artique Thistle A4872
Century Framing moulding (silvery gold with a pretty scroll design)

[ 03-29-2003, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: Jana ]

17 1/2" x 20 3/4"
Top mat - Crescent Euro Linen
Fillet - Larson Juhl 155CS
Undermat (1" reveal) - Olive Denim 4952
Fillet - Larson Juhl 150CS
AR glass
Century Framing moulding (silvery gold with beads)

[ 03-29-2003, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Jana ]
Whew! I did it! The pictures are all posted. With this new found power I'm going to try to post some funny pics on Warped.

We used all parts and pieces that we had in stock. We used the Century Framing moulding because we had some length. We inherited the owl prints from Ben Franklin. I think they were originally supposed to be used in a 3-D paper sculpture pictures. We thought the colors were pretty and relevant to today's decorating trends. Can't go wrong with sage green and neutrals!

Unfortunately the Olive denim mat (4952) is now discontinued, as is the Timber Bevel Accent (BA8236). Why were the denim mats discontinued? They were nice.

The owl series makes a good display, and it's a good visual tool for educating customers.

[ 03-29-2003, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Jana ]
Great job, Jana. The pictures load really fast for me. It makes such a difference to see them this way. The group will be a great sales tool.
I am really proud of how Jana posted those pictures, too. Some day I will have a scanner and a way to do that. Hopefully by this weekend. Maybe Jana will teach me how to do it.

You are right, these owls are a great way of showing people what can be done with one picture. They are a good selling point.

Our owner Marie designed these pictures and you all know very little about Marie. She has a great deal of imagination and skill. Also, to our benefit, she is a finish carpenter. She is a quality and dear owner.

I know Jana has been anxious to show you all the pictures. Yeah, Jana!
I didn't use a scanner. They were digital pictures and they were loaded into my file. Then I put them in an AOL picture album and in some convoluted way my husband showed me, they got onto PFG. I remember having to use the Image button. He showed me how to post the first two, but then left me on my own. Yesterday I could do it. Today I probably forgot. :rolleyes:
These are great examples of how a picture can be framed Jana, I bet it is quite a selling tool. You did an excellent job of loading them too. I know how hard it was for me to learn. A couple more and you will be all pro! Good job!
Jan, Great idea! It's hard for many customers to 'picture' how their artwork could be framed, in different ways.

Whooooo came up with that idea? Whoooo? Whooooo?