I'm trying out a new board software


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
I got a testing area set up to see if anyone like this boards software. The databases are much better than what I'm using here.

Please remember this is just a testing area. it's limited to 30 registered uses 50 posts and 1000 page views.

Please, use test 1 forum only.

Please post something there and let me know what you think.

This board allows both flatfile threads and threaded posts so you can reply to a reply or to the main post.

This is also on the server I'm thinking of using.

So check it out, if you hate it, say so. I just wanted check out other boards before I switch and check out the server.

If you register make sure you also login, Ron, I believe that what happen to you.

If you can break it it better to find out now.

[ 02-18-2004, 08:38 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
Okay, framer, I registered, got my password and tried to post a reply to your test thread, and got:

We encountered a problem. The reason reported was:

The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host.

This is not necessarily an error. If you feel this is an error then it could be something as simple as your browser not being set to accept cookies. If you feel this error is a problem with the server then please contact and let us know what exactly went wrong so it can be fixed as soon as possible. Otherwise, please use your back button to return to the previous page.
I tried too and this is what I got:

Failure! I was trying to decode:

and got this error:
didn't find Auth-Data in header

Which package are you testing?
LOL -->

I shut the power to the server off as I shut the store down. I got it back up but will not post the link til tomorrow as I will test it from home tonight. Mike, Threads, I will be in touch tomorrow. Got to run... .. .. .. .. ..

[ 02-18-2004, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
OK, I'm home and register as a regular user and it worked fine for me. I think Ron registered but did not login. I will now go watch TV and will check in later. Have fun trying to break it.

Seems to work fine, although very different.

Getting the same error code. I'm definately logged in. It says, "Welcome RonEggers."

But it doesn't really mean it.
Yeah, it'll take some getting used to. I recently found another forum (in a completely different field) that also uses a similar style. It just takes a while.

If this one is what you stick with, is there any way to change my log in to B. Newman? I did bjn as a test, but would like to keep my original login if you do.

This is the same software that Woodnet uses and I've always liked it. I especially like that it shows how many times the topic has been viewed and how many replies it has had. Not really important but interesting.

Woodnet forums

Just a thought....would this mean we would lose our archive? That might upset a few people.

[ 02-18-2004, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Frank Larson ]
Everthing in out current board can be imported into this board. I don't plan on losing anything.

I just worry that it too much of a change for some users. It will take a lot of thought.

dodaa.. dodaa.. do da da (pause)
dodaa.. dodaa.. DO do dodododo
dodaa.. dodaa do da da
dut ta hoot ta oot oot da


I registered OK……and got the message below when I tried to post a replay to a few of the existing threads.



We encountered a problem. The reason reported was:

The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host.

This is not necessarily an error. If you feel this is an error then it could be something as simple as your browser not being set to accept cookies. If you feel this error is a problem with the server then please contact and let us know what exactly went wrong so it can be fixed as soon as possible. Otherwise, please use your back button to return to the previous page.
Ron, I could post, but couldn't find a 'Post Number' counter on each post, but I DEFINITELY have more posts than you do!

Bill, it IS strange, compared to this board. Especially when I try the format that's 'Threaded', as opposed to flat.

Honestly, my personal feeling is I like this better, 'cause it feels more comfortable, but if the new board is what it takes, I'll go.

[ 02-19-2004, 05:38 AM: Message edited by: CharlesL ]
I registered this morning and logged in but got the same message as some of the others when I tried to post a reply.
This morning, I logged in on a different computer (shouldn't matter) using a different ISP (might matter?) and was able to post just fine.

If I'd know the post was actually going to "take" I would have written something much more profound.

I'll try again at the shop with the original ISP, where I repeatedly got the same error message as Dermot.

Perhaps the new forum doesn't care for my Irish blood?
Ron, I couldn't find your post...

EDIT: Found it!

[ 02-19-2004, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: CharlesL ]
Framer, here's what I've found.

I registered on the test forum while using the Highstream ISP. When I logged on (during the same Highstream session) I got the error code while trying to post.

This morning, I went on line using the Netzero ISP, and was able to log on and post to the test forum.

I went off line, then back on with Highstream and got the same error code I got last night.

Any reason why you could post from one ISP and not another? 'Cause it appears that's what's happening.
Feature Differences between board types

UBB.threads Has (UBB.classic does not)·

Users can switch back and forth between threaded
and non-threaded (linear) format.

Users can choose display "skins"

Admins can use multiple front-end servers for
load sharing·

Users can choose a language on the fly.H

Hidden forums·

Message pre-screening.

Option to allow attachments.

User "reminder" feature - mark posts/topics for

later reply.

Topic auto-expire (and ability to override).

Fast, powerful search engine.

Both Thread and Flatfile view.


UBB.classic Has (UBB.threads does not)

Configurable floodcheck - prevent mass

Ignore list - prevent specific users from sending
you private messages.

Detailed admin view for Recent Visitors
(Who’s Online) feature.

Control panel-configurable content islands.

Built-in avatar feature (UBB.threads allows users
to display a picture file with their posts, but
has no built-in avatars)

Both boards will work, the new one for the future has a better search engine. Users have more control on how they get their information flow. But will it confuse them?

More to come, Same Grumble Channel... Stay tuned in........


[ 02-19-2004, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
I just tried to post from the computer at work and got the same error message.
I'm using the same ISP but different browser here.
I think the learning curve for some will be difficult because it's so drastically different, but I see that the newest version 6.4.1/6.5 is very similar to what we have now with graemlins, ubbcode shortcuts for images, web link, email link, lists, bold, italics, quotes, font colors, polls, etc.

It can toggle between flat and threaded, can display birthdays automatically, and folks can click to quickly look at messages from 24 hours, 48 hours, or a week. The best part is that we don't lose our registration info or old messages!

The product has a very ROBUST foundation, compared to the current base, and I think it'll bring the Grumble well into the future. (It will be very fast with MySQL and PHP) It'll take all of us grumblers quite a while to fill this new one up!

Keep up the great work Framer!


[ 02-19-2004, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
On the shop computer, I cannot post to the test forum with EITHER ISP that I use.

I'd say that's a problem, framer, since others have encountered the same error message.
I'm looking into that problem Ron,

I got the attachment working, That a real plus.

I received the same error message when I tried to register.

I couldn't post anything. Nor could I find the post/add reply button. I'll eventually shoot my way through. Good luck.
The docs are wrong on the test version. It only allows 10 registered users. What a drag....

Well please look anyway and if registered keep posting til it stops.

Demos Smellmoosss
Attachments would be a HUGE bonus, as long as they don't burn up your server space.

The interface is very different. The ones who've been on TG the longest would have the hardest time adjusting, but we'd all eventually adjust.

We'd grumble a lot in the process, though. ;)
Keep in mind that the demo version is probably a couple years old. The current one he would get, if bought, is much more like what we have now. They're made by the same company.

Attachments would be GREAT for the cmc file sharing


[ 02-19-2004, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Thinking about it today, I'm going to buy the software package but, still port it over, as is for now. I can then play with the real package and configure it correctly. Let everyone check it out then move once I'm truly convinced.

Ron, the server that the boards on now only allows us 250megs of space. The new server is 30gigs that 30 billion bytes of space. For $100 it could be 130 billion bytes.

Bandwidth is my big concern.

Ron, I found a problem with my DNS server and that might have caused the problem. I need to wait a couple of days to get the changes around the world. But it might be fixed
Ron, Please try and post a message from one of the computers that didn't work last time you tried.

Nope. Same error message.

Edit: From both ISPs.

[ 02-21-2004, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
Ron and anyone else that had a problem posting to that new board would you please use this link to get to the new server and try posting again.

It may look like the G but anything that you post will be erased within a few hours.

This link will be open til noon est today. Its just a copy of the g, sereral days old.


Just use your regular user name and password to login.

Thanks framer
Framer, today I could log-in and post without problems at the link you provided above.

Yesterday, with the link and log-in info you sent me, I got to a page inviting me to log-in, but could not get past that page with the log-in links.

Edit: Come to think of it, maybe I DID get past that page, but I ended up on a page that looked so familiar that I thought I was back on the original Grumble. If so, it was my mistake.

Everything appears to be working now - even my brain.

[ 02-23-2004, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
I've closed the link for now.

Testing was ok.



I’m not sure what happened…I managed to login and post a replay….everything OK….then I tried to post a new topic on the Business forum it allowed to do this ok but when I posted the new topic I came to this http://www.wmpf.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=login
“Testing not online for user”….I cannot get out of this screen…….sorry this is the best |I can explain this.

I will try in about an hour again.

