If you had to do it all over again?

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If you had to do it all over again,what would you do different?
1.Would have went to college and got a good education.2.When we bought our framing equipment we would have bought a computer with a good framing software program.3.We would have started with some gift lines to go along with our framing and art. Larry
I would have taken more pictures. Maybe learned to dance and enjoy it.

Here it is 1:30AM. I woke up designing a interesting shadow box project. Built the graphics and printed them for tomorrow. My voice is gone, I need sleep and I still need to CAD the frame carvings....

And then I open this thread . . . and you ask that question....

Now I know I won't get any sleep tonight.

Maybe if I'd just grown up selling shoes.
I would not have joined the army at 15.

My wife would not have run an international haulage company. But she would still have her banking/bookkeeping experience. I'd still have my calligraphy skills.

We would have met about 20 years before we did and done this together.

By now we would have a large craft centre, centred around an art gallery and framing dept. There would be a restaurant and a large car park. We'd get coach parties..............

Maybe we would have more than one place........

It's all fate isn't it...... Had I not one night decided to go to the Sergeants' Mess where I found a copy of 'Soldier magazine' and turned to the penpals page, our place would never have existed, so I'm happy how things have panned out.
"Who knows but that you have come [here] for such a time as this..." Mordicai to Queen Hadassah approx 480 BC
I wouldn't have stuck myself in a cubicle for 22 years!
I would have built my own home with my own hands of field stone and started when I was but a young man.

I would have controlled my business growth instead of letting it control me.

I wouldn't have paid the R&D costs of all the high tech manufacturers by realizing that the leading edge is really the bleeding edge.

I would have continued with my piano lessons and learned to play every instrument I could lay my hands on.

I would have taken ballroom dancing at an early age.

I would have cared less about what others thought and would have been more willing to be the individual God created me to be.

I would have sought less to be loved and instead strive to give love unconditionally.

I would have kept the promise I made to myself when I bought my first home to always live on the water...whether it was a lake river, stream or ocean.

I would have hiked more mountain ranges, planted more trees and gardens and felt more rain on my face.

...and I would have taught my children to sail.

Dave Makielski
Sorry, I can't look back only forward. If it wasn't for my kids, I would have regretted my marriage. But it did make me the strong woman I am today. ....and he's afraid of me now and not the other way around. So no regrets! Learn from your mistakes and laugh out loud, life is great even on the ****** days.
Hi Dave
Loved reading your would have list- I would have probably done the same things.
I would have found myself a really rich husband and spent my life making him happy and spending his/our money!
I'm with Hanna on this one. Tired of doing it over.(well, most things)
Tough question.

If I look at all that I would have wished to have been easier, then I would have missed a lot of the wonderful things that came with the hard stuff.

I'm with Betty on this one.

edie the noregrets goddess
All the mistakes & heartaches in the past have made me the person I am today. And I have finally made friends with myself. The past has molded my present & prepared me for my future.

(OK...one thing...I would have started saving for a boat years before now ;) )
Changing the course doesn't necessarily improve the outcome. Each variable is dependent. The regrets I could live without, but I couldn't live without the blessings and they come hand in hand.

I raise my arm to ward off memory;
White bats hang sleeping from my sleeve.
They sing in their sleep an ancient melody
Smelling of olives and old love.
They dream of Lot's wife leaving Gomorrah
And clasp history in their fingered wings.

Waking at night, they fly like scattered ashes,
Swirl, coalesce in a pillar of salt.
Sculpture is possible now.
The silver chisel caresses flesh
As I carve myself from the lithified crystal.

The bats return when morning threatens,
Dragging black beasts
And the rotting bodies of nightmares
But find no purchase in my newborn arms.
I probably would have done the same stupid things all over again. I can't say I have any regrets in life. Well there was that one time and then there was this thing, and oh yeah don't forget about...:)
Some days I do wonder if I would have ever gone into the framing busn; But I don't know what else to do so why not?
Maybe next time I will read the book first..ha!
Lotta snow today in Rochester I hear.
The only regret I have is going to such extremes to see the BeeGee's..................
I wouldn't have left Cape Hatteras when it was raining that Memorial Day weekend in the early 70s and driven to Cape Cod....just because we wanted to have sunshine at the beach.
that must be why most of your posts revolve around women
There are so many things I wish I hadn't done, but I have tried to learn from my mistakes, have certainly learned from a few, and I believe I wouldn't be the person I am today if I had not made them. Perhaps if I had made even more mistakes I would be a better, wiser, stronger person than I currently am. Either way, at the end of the day it's the journey that counts.
I look back only at the good things and tell my family members you'll only regret what you didn't do, not what you did, so go for it.

As far as the business of framing, I would have gotten a pos and cmc sooner.
There are always things I would have done differently. But if I did would I have been better off? Most likely not. I think things are pretty good. I would like to have saved better. I would have paid attention in math class in high school, cause you actually do use it in life.

But at this point I am not old enough that it is over. I still got plenty of time to get things done. It is weird when you hit those big birthdays, had a friend turn 40 and she and her lady made a list. Things they had to get done by the 40th birthday. I think I mentally have a list...now need to work torwards those.

Originally posted by Elaine:
that must be why most of your posts revolve around women
Never mind someone's posts, the PLANET revolves around women!

I got married too early (first time), Ok it's only a bit of paper. Then we had our first child, 9 months to the date of our honeymoon.

OK - just another bit of paper (KIDDING.......)

How could I regret that now though, two others followed. All 3 are doing well, the eldest is almost 30 (thank God I can touch type, I don't wanna see those numbers)

Anyway, my middle one (Johnathan) joined the army, like I did. I gave him a pep talk, to try and make sure he didn't make the same 'mistakes as me.

"Son, do as many courses as you can, volunteer for anything and everything, especially if it means travel. Go around the planet screwing anything with a pulse, if it's still good second time around, buy it dinner, unless it bleats..........."

You know, usual stuff!

What does he do? Falls in Love with every single girl he meets, engagements, house purchases, career sacrifice, loans.

Now married, ready-made family, 2 step daughters, one of his own. Little scrote made me a grandad.

Did it worse than me.
(I'm still waiting for John Ranes to come on here and say, "I wish I hadn't ever told Eggers about The Grumble.")
This will sound weird, but I wished things would have turned out much different but I don't really have any regrets.

Carry on.
A friend of mine passed away this year. He was 86. He used to tell me "Don't fear today. Don't be ashamed of your mistakes. Today will become your past, and your past is your greatest asset". There are parts of my life I wouldn't want to repeat, but I wouldn't trade any moment of it, because, as a few have already mentioned,I am who I am today because of my past. Who I am today is a darned decent person with a gratitude for each day I wake up alive, and for the opportunity to be the person I was meant to be all along. Just me.
Very interesting comments,
Let me ask this in a differnet way. what in the framing busn would you do different today, now that you have a lot of hindsight. What mistakes would you avoid from doing again. Would you have even considered framing as a busn adventure?
Well, since I've only been in business for less than six months, there's not much that I'd change. I'd burn the place down and collect the insurance.
Let me ask this in a differnet way. what in the framing busn would you do different today, now that you have a lot of hindsight.
Easy ... not waited to upgrade equipment ... invest in the best of everything as fast as you can ... if you see something that you think would be useful get it right away ... having the right tools and materials makes life SO much easier!

Would you have even considered framing as a busn adventure?
After being persuaded to turn down a place at art college by some well meaning but misguided folks, I spent much of my early life in the corporate world ... although I was successful and applied my creative skills to solving business problems something was missing ... my artistic bent was not satisfied; and I became tired of having to constantly deal with self serving, ladder climbing ***holes. After returning to my roots so to speak I am having a blast! I wouldn't change my past, but I'm sure enjoying my present. With different advisors early in my life I am sure I could have gone down this fork in the road from the beginning.
I`d have gone it alone sooner.
I would have . . . (in order of priority)

~asked FramerDave a lot more questions during classes in Atlanta

~purchased LifeSaver or other POS software from the beginning

~purchased/leased a Wizard immediately after learning to cut mats manually

~left my partner to do my own thing much sooner
Worked less, spent more time with my daughter.

Overall, I am happy with where I am. So, if I changed my past, things might be different from what they are now.