If you could change your Wizard mat cutter?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
If you could change your Wizard mat cutter?
What would you want it to do different or what features would you like see added or deleted?
Make sure you give the model you are using the old one or the 8000.
I would like to see the name of the file you are working on once you have saved a mat and bring it back up to edit or cut.
I would like to see it cut a little faster but I would drive 95mph all the time if I could.
A built in coffee maker would be nice. Years ago computers came with a coffee cup holder but they redesigned the cd drives so it no longer works in that capacity.

Seriously and maybe someone will tell me how to do this, on the old 5000 you has a one button center opening, it was easy and I miss it. I have not it figure out on the 8000.

Clicking on one of the pictures of the mat templates on the left will automatically place the opening in the center of the mat. Otherwise, you can click on the Border toggle (2nd button down on the Toggles that displays green when active) to toggle Borders On. Click on the opening and drag it to the center of the Border Lines and let it click into place. You can also center openings horizontally or vertically in this same manner by clicking and dragging the opening to the appropriate Border Line.

[ 08-15-2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Dani ]
We have an old Wizard. What drives me crazy, is that we have a slight over cut on the left backup (I think) We have called the company and they have talked us through things and it still will not go away. We have worked with it over and over again and can't get rid of it. It drives me nuts. We get a better corner on our old Fletcher dinosaur.
Using the new software and the "old Wizard" I'd like to see the feature that allowed the user to "light-up" each opening in order. Twice, in very complicated multi-openings, I've lost an opening; only to find it underneath a larger opening. I find the hidden opening when I view the cut screen.
I'm still not crazy about the dragging openings to red or green lines. I liked to see the openings snap ... just my old ways.
:( While I'm on this subject of the new software ... When I create an opening with three bevels only two are seen on the screen ... selecting four bevels shows three. When I select "add a V-groove" I only see the eight small boxes around the opening ... no white v-groove line. However, when I move to the cut screen the V-groove is seen as are the correct number of bevels. It cut OK. The problem is in the design phase. Talking to my Wizard Helpers at Wizard Int. is of no value since I'm the only user who has pointed out this mystery. They probably thing I'm crazy or blind. Have any of the Wizard Grumblers using the new software on old machines having this visual mystery??? The instlled Demo version works fine. I suspect a hardware problem with my graphics card in my Wizard supplied computer.
Susan - with the old software the left-turn backup is mainly for reverse bevels.. is that what you're trying to adjust? The only other time a left turn happens on a normal bevel is for cuts like french steps. If I have problems getting something to adjust right I tend to use large values to start with which helps me make sure that what I'm changing is the correct value. Dunno if that will help but it should be very easy to make that adjustment.

Bud - yeah, I think in a future version we're going to bring back some of the old alignment buttons. The intent was to minimize the amount of travel you had to do with the mouse by keeping most of the alignment and snapping within the actual design area, but I think people who are upgrading are just to used to the "feel" of the buttons.

For your other problem, I'm curious to what computer you're running on. I have a feeling that if your CPU is an early Pentium without the MMX intel technology, then it might be having trouble rendering the bevels. MMX comes standard with every chip since the Pentium Pro I believe, and isn't related to your graphics card.
If i could have ANYTHING in my Wizard ,I'd opt for the ability to scan in artwork and have it automatically converted to a cutable program. No Traceing ,converting and learning CAD ,No being limited to predeterminned canned clippart.Just scan and cut.You did say anything didn't you? i know how difficult this sounds but I 've been trying to learn CAD and become proficiant since i first took possesion of my WIZARD.

[ 08-17-2003, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
This is not a complaint to Wizard but Buddy, did you know that you don't have to be limited to
predeterminned canned clippart.
Even without CAD, in the multiple opening feature, you can make any silhouette you want. All of the components are there to just overlay and make anything you can think of.

Save the picture. Delete what overlaps. Cut that part which is left and take out the fall out. Bring up the picture, take out what overlaps and take out the fallout until the picture is done. You can do some wonderful silhouettes.

[ 08-17-2003, 11:10 PM: Message edited by: SusanNolan ]
Susan the OBVIOUS answers are NO I didn't know.
Where did YOu learn this?
What version of the Wizard program do you have ?5.0 ?Do you have a 5000 or 8000 cutter?
I'm still waiting.LOL
Why did you think i do so much hand cutting?

PS I've been to a lot of classes and I must have selpt through something since i don't rember ever being told that .
Could someone PLEASE give me some DETAILED instructions.PLEASE!or is this in the manual and I just haven't had time to learn it on my own after all those classes?LOL

[ 08-18-2003, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]
Buddy, I made it up. I am like that. It was so much fun. We have an old Wizard. I don't know the number. Once I got started making silhouettes, I never stopped. There is no limit on ideas on this.

All pictures are made using circles and squares at the very least, and Wizard has a few others to choose from. Changing lots of parameters gives countless choices. Just look at the picture in your brain.

[ 08-18-2003, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: SusanNolan ]
I come to praise the Wizard not to bury the Wizard ... Once again the Wizard organization has come thru with a great solution to my no V-groove and minus one bevel visual problem. Seems my Wizard supplied CPU and Pentium type processor are too old to run the new software efficiently. Solution: Wizard is sending us a new computer :D .
Thanks Steve, Sr. Programer and Karl, the Technical Service Wizard. Wizard's Tech service guys and gals have always been great to me and the staff of one. Dani is a marvel too.
I received the Wizard at the end of June. Started with a junior rental. The really annoying thing is the corner low warning. It alerts at 1000 corners. The junior rental is only for 1000 corners. The warning has to be clicked off each time. Wish level could be reset lower.
Just bought a new flat screen monitor for my Wizard system. Improves the look so much and gives a ton more space. But have no place for my coffee cup holder. Will have to attach it to the side of the cutting head arm or some where. Hummmm.
Does anyone use the additional information option? What do you use it for?
Don't forget the "Merge" feature in the 5.0 software. Design your silhouette using the various templates/CutArt and overlapping them as desired. For instance, bring in one large circle, then two smaller circles placed near each side of the top of the first circle. Go to the Cut Screen. Click on Merge. The Outline of the openings will now be converted into one opening (no unnecessary cutting of inside unused elements). You now have the silhouette of a famous mouse.

As for the Additional Information screen... some customers use it to save information in projects. For instance, every year you make the exact same graduation mats for the local college, and they want it designed in a certain manner. Design the mat, and in Additional Information you can enter the exact mat number and type for each layer... then save the project. This saves time having to look the information up next year when you have to cut 75 more mats for the college.

[ 08-28-2003, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Dani ]
Thanks Dani;
Maybe if I ever get together with you folks at Wizard and finally get a copy of 5.0 I'll give it a try.LOL
This sounds a lot like what Susan was talking about.
I was wondering if you can use a graphics tablet w/ the wizard instead of the mouse? I'm so used to using our wacom tablet w/ photoshop that I find myself using it with other CAD programs too.
Yes, you can use the Wacom Tablet instead of the mouse.