I'd Like to ask what may be a dumb question.


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
I am always trying to find ways to show pictures on TFG. Not really frequently but by various methods. The best results I have had was the Gallery that my daughter arranged to which pictures could be added. I must admit I am not completely sure of how to make the transfer ,but I am sure I can learn.

The biggest problem is the actual takeing of the pictures. I have a conventional cammera and I have a web-cam at home as well as a flatbed scanner. All of which will make images ( of different degrees and quality) but I don;t know how to attch any of their images once I have the images ( useing the web cam for stills is s bit newer to me but i ma beginning to learn) .

I recently read Tom's comment ,"I don't have a scanner that works on XP so I can't show you a photo" which was intrigueing to ma since I do know how to use the scanner but I don't know how to attach the scanned image on to TFG.I also am trying to learn how to use the web-cam to take individual stills but once agin I don't know what to do to transpose the image to TFG.

Can anyone make suggestions that don't require buying any more equipment?I am sure the Computer Gurus out there think tis is simple can someone enlighten me?LOL
If you still have problems, call me @ 919 359 9888, and I'll try to 'walk you through it'.

Ron's instructions of about 1 1/2 yrs ago is easy to follow. But if you need further help, I'll be glad to help you. I'll be home today, after 4PM, and tomorrow morning. (you may be the only G'er that'll call me anyway..)
I just right click on where the image is and "copy image location"

then copy to image box below

<IMG SRC=http://frameitup.com/storefrontdec.JPG WIDTH=384 HEIGHT=256>

(ed: resize of image)

[ 03-01-2005, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Marc Lizer ]
Thanks and I am sorry ,but it was rather early when I posted that .I meant it to be in the Computer section. GOD! I need to learn to sleep like a normal person,but then who said I was normal.LOL
Originally posted by JudyN:
I just right click on where the image is and "copy image location" then copy to image box below
That only works once the picture is on the web in a folder with public read access. For instance, if it's on your hard drive it won't work (unless you've set your computer up with a web server).