I will be moving to the new server TONIGHT


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
The Grumble will be closed after 6pm EST to move it to the new server. I expect down time to be 3 hours.

Everything should be as it was before.

The first couple of days be aware that we might need to go back to the old sever if performance suffers any. I'm hoping that's not going to be a big issue. If we need to go back any posts placed on the new server maybe lost. Please let me know if your service suffers.

Several Issues to be aware of:

It may be a day or two for your local DNS server to pick up the new IP numbers.

You may use http://www.wmpf.com to get there if thegrumble.com fails.

This domain name will not work till the servers up

The first time or two you are on the new server performance maybe less do to your computer needing to cache the data. This is why you need to check out the site several times before worrying about performance.

For safety I will keep the old server till the end of March just in case this plan fails


[ 02-23-2004, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: framer tg: ]
Well, it's almost time for shutdown.
Hope to see you all on the other side in the morning.
Good luck Framer!