Please excuse if this just posted, but I am not sure. I am a home framer. I already have all my equipment. I checked out retail space here and almost fainted. There is not alot available but it is going for 18-23.00 per sq. ft. At least that is what they are quoting. There is no way I can charge prices to justify that rent. The median income here is approx 45-50k per household. It is a growing area (very growing!) with new homes costing 120-200k. There are lots of them! There is no framing business close with exception of big box M. Here is my dilema. What if I opened in a small office complex. I realize I would have to advertise heavily, but in this area, I believe I would have to do that anyway. It would not be a so called retail location, but I could advertise in our towne monthly mag. a special offer per month. I could also develop a website, so customers could essentially "visit" me before they called and came in. The office space is less than half the cost of retail space. I would not move my equipment to the office, just my corner samples and mats. I realize I would not have the walk in business that a retail location would offer. BUT, I would prefer to remain a one man shop anyway! Can you wonderful fellow framers offer any advise on my idea? Thank you so much!!!!
Little framer
Little framer