I need to whine...again

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SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 7, 2001
The last few years have been tumultuous for me. New daughter, a few really unusual employee problems, drop in business, etc. I've been trying to ride it out. Decided to lay off most employees and move to a smaller location. Had a spot picked out, a nice space and a good offer through my current landlord. Had a moving sale. Two weeks into sale landlord informs me they rented the new space to someone else. She never told the other people in the office that she had offered me the space. OK, roll with that, too. Looked for another space, couldn't find one. Cut back here and there and decided to stay in the current location. Just mailed out a postcard to my clients saying "Sorry for the confusion, long story, but we are not moving and we have some great new stuff for you to see!". Getting a fairly good response. Two days later, I find out from the other tenant that the landlord put the building up for sale. Now, three weeks later, landlord finally wanders in after several phone calls. He thinks he sold the building, but he can try to give me a few months to move! My stomache is in knots right now! I was feeling so positive...the changes I made were working out great and I swore my whining days were over. Wish me luck, I've got to pound some pavement again and find a new location. So much for the 2,000 sheets of letterhead I just had printed!
Diane, you are handling the situation a lot better than I could have. I would not consider it "whining", just unloading. You're landlord is lucky you haven't reached out and choked him.
He sounds like a real beauty. Remember, everything happens for a reason. You will eventually find the perfect spot for your business, and be able to laugh about this one day.

Good luck, and hang tough!

Everything will be alright. For real. Just remember: "The light at the end of the tunnel is not ALWAYS the train!"
You have the skills, talent, work ethic and good old fashioned stick-to-it-ivness!
Daddy used to say, no matter had bad things were in his life, "Everything's temporary."
Hang in there, girl! Friday's right around the corner!
Diane -
Have you ever considered becoming your own landlord? The tax breaks are advantagious, and you will have more "control" over your business. Also, instead of rent, your monthly mortgage payments become equity - - - Just a thought
Good luck!
Thanks, Mike and Charles. I gave up alcohol and candy for Lent, but I seriously doubt I'm going to make it til' Sunday! I think hubby may have a marguerita waiting for me when I get home, and I certainly won't make him throw it away! Bill and framer, the lease issue is far too long for me to explain on this forum, and don't even get me started on the lawyer issue. I have looked into purchasing property in the past, but could never find anything to suit my needs. My husband runs a custom woodworking shop and it really only makes sense for us to purchase if we can both be on the same property, but there are zoning issues. I am commercial, he is industrial. I am looking into it again, though and in fact I have already spoken to my banker. I don't want to buy this property for what they are asking. The heating and cooling system will need to be replaced soon, among other things. The other tenant in the building made an offer yesterday based on estimates he got for the improvements, but I think he got turned down. Too bad...we get along well and he would have let me stay and would have given me a great lease. The landlord is obviously holding out for some poor fool who does not know enough to ask the right questions. The other tenant and I have seen the paperwork and lets just say there is some embellishment going on. We have been here for 8 and 10 years and know first hand what the issues are. In any case, I am trying not to panic, but it's a struggle!
Don't worry about what you can't control. (If you knew me, you would have a great laugh over that one - I can always find something to worry about). If he's asking too much, the possibility is good that he won't be able to sell anytime soon. Maybe by that time you can find a suitable location. Good luck!
Diane, if you haven't used your Sundays, you're home free on the alcohol and candy because Lent would be over for you right now.
You sit on down and have that drink and a Hershey's.

Your landlord sounds like a true twit, and we can only hope he gets repaid by like behavior. Good luck and I know you'll come out to the good in the end.

Here's a helpful hint: Picture Framing can be considered light manufacturing for zoning purposes!

You are tougher than I am, I would be taking all these things as a sign that it was time for me to move to Austrailia and become a beach bum.
Five years ago I was forced out of my former location along with seven other businesess and a handful of offices when CVS wanted the property we were on and offered big bucks to the landlord. Most didn't have leases, my lease was ending, and one got lucky and was bought out. I am in a small town with very little retail space available. Can you imagine eight retail operations all looking for space at the same time? I took one of two available to me and lucked out. The location I ended up with turned out better than the one I was in. I believe all things happen for a reason, and although things seem impossible to you right now, things have a way of working out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
I opened my store almost a year ago four doors down from where i'm now. The little space was a good start but with no heated small work area..brrrrrr. After 4 month, I moved in my current location which has more elbow room, heat and air. Both spaces are owned by the same landlord (friend of mine).
Unfortently, he has to sell the building I'm in (long story). But I lucked out. My future landlord insist I stay (I'm the only business in the building). I was one of the main reasons why he made an offer on the building. He will have to raise the rent (only) by a $100/ month, which will be 06/01, when he takes over as landlord. This date is also my 1st year anniversary
and a little higher rent was already in my budget.


I hope every thing works out for you Diane.
Cathie, you are the only person I've ever run across that also knew about the Sundays during Lent! I thought my family must have made it up! I did not use my Sundays, so I indulged in one Quervo Gold Thursday night. It helped my mood tremendously! Got to work this morning and found out that the current landlord and the other tenant in the building had reached an agreement and the other tenant is buying the building. That means I can STAY! Not only will I have a better landlord who plans to make immediate improvements, my rent will not likely go up. I am buying a bottle of Dom for my new landlord. Life is looking good again. On with my plans and improvements! Thanks for all the good thoughts, everyone. I will let you know when the paperwork makes it official!
Diane, I'm glad to see there will be a happy ending for you. See, everything does work out for the best. Hopefully, your new landlord will share that Dom with you!
