I need to sell my dad's framing equipment


Grumbler in Training
Mar 1, 2005
south carolina
I've never been in a forum before and have no real idea what I'm doing, but what I'm trying to do is sell my dad's framing equipment, which I inherited.

There doesn't seem to be anything like it on ebay & I wasn't sure where else to turn. I can take some digital pictures of what I've got and post them if this seems to be the place to do that. I guess I could use advice as to how to proceed.

The biggest piece of equipment is a huge, heavy, green moulding cutter with a "V" shaped blade that comes down by stepping on an arm-thing. The blade chops the moulding at a angle. (I don't know the proper word for that machine, but I've watched him use it.) He also has some mat cutters, glass, mat board, moulding, etc.

We're moving to the beach and won't have the space or need for any of it. If any of you could advise me about how to price this stuff and where to advertise it I would be most grateful. I want it priced so it moves FAST. We're leaving by the middle of this month and I'm under the gun to get this stuff out of our workshop so I don't have to move it. (The workshop is for sale, too, if anyone's interested -- it's great, insulated & big! Bargain price, too!) Thanks in advance for any help ya'll can provide.... Nanci

The brand names of the mat & moulding cutters would be helpful--anyone interested in the equipment would want to know that. You might want to consider contacting a framer in your area to see if he/she would be willing to stop by and help identify what you have. The "huge, heavy green moulding cutter" sounds like a Morso.
nancij, When are you going to the beach, and which one, if your passing through B'ham, Al. I might be interested if you can deliver it here. Thanks and good luck////
Hi Nanci,

I think that the moulding chopper is probably a Morso chopper. The going prices that I've seen are about $700 to $1,000. Go to the website that Dermot suggested (morso-guillotine site) to see if it is the morso. If it is I'd be interested in buying it. Either way, I would either call some framers or look on the web for a distributor that sells morsos and see what a used one should cost. You'll need the model number before you call the distributor.

And Wally (WPFay) is correct. The person's name in the Atlanta area is David Griggs and he is a really nice guy. I purchased a couple of pieces of equipment from him and they arrived packaged really well and were exactly as he had stated. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase something else from him. He is very honest and trustworthy so you might want to contact him to sell your things for you. Take care and good luck. You can email me about the chopper or if you have any questions about David.
Okay, I'm really not savvy about these forum things, and I don't know if this "quick reply" goes on this page or to the last person. I'll just kind of touch everything in one fell swoop. We're moving to Myrtle Beach, so it's in-state and not through Alabama, unfortunately. I did hear from David Griggs, and I agree, he sounds very nice and his website looked professional and easy to use. (I did wonder what FOB meant, though??) Anyway, you're all really good! I went back and looked at the big, green monster, and indeed it is a Morso. I've since taken pictures of it (and it's label) if anyone is interested in looking at it closer. There's also a smaller, grey thing that sort of looks like a miter chopper (as I have since learned is the proper name of the green machine) except it is smaller -- like a table model or something. I don't know how it works & can't remember ever seeing my dad use it, but I assume it goes along with the bigger machine. There is also a set of second blades for the Morso that are in wax that were either just sharpened and not used, or never used. (I didn't take a picture of those.) I also have taken pictures of an oval glass/mat cutter that I'd like to get rid of, and it's brand name label. Guess that about covers it. I'll press the "add reply" button and see where it goes. Thanks for all ya'll's help! Nanci J.

The smaller grey thing sounds like a miter trimer, they are sold in a few wood working stores, they are ment to smoth up a miter cut. The over sea brands sell for about $175.00 new. Note the Glass cutters sell fairly well on ebay if it is a fletcher 3000 or 3100. Search under Fletcher Glass, for mat cutter just search under mat cutter. Note If you deside to sell under ebay for a big item make a note item is for local pick up, or talk with a local ups store for a bider to make arrangements for them to ship.

We are in the process of setting up a framing operation and might be able to take most of it off your hands. Please contact me 513-381-5116 ext. 136 and we can discuss further.

Bill Johnson