I need Techy help.


SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Nov 23, 1997
Mandeville, LA USA
I just recieved a Cd with 82 images of Framing of crossstitch and a couple of Book jacket slicks I have doen for one customer over the years. She is more of a friend than a customer. She would always come in and leave the work and just say"Do you things and cll me when it's done."

I have designed all the mattings and frame choices but she has done all this work and more .katrina ruined the ones we had in the shop. she had these in her high rise office in others cubicles .

She has since contracted MS and can't stitch anymore .I alsoknow she would love to hear what others think of her work. I would and mine was much easier since all I had to do is ehance what she had done alreay.

What i can't ge done is to make a Album of thisCD so any and everyone could Browse and make comments. Some are very simply framed and others more elaborately ,but all are marvelious ly stitched. and the Volume is unbeliveable Also she hated to work on anything larger than 18 count so some wher very fine. One was 3ins. X 3 Ins. in the frame and she autograghed it and gave it back tous after she PAID us to FRAME IT.

Can any one tell me how to show off this wonderful collection?

I have made several tries includeing WEBSHOTS but I can only show one image at a time. 82 at that rate will take forever. can I get suggestions?

One free site that should be perfect is www.photobucket.com

This site will let you upload each image, and it will show a scaled down sample of each one that they can click on to see the detail.

Mike et al:
I did what Mike suggested. In fact my daughter who was visiting had already establish a Photbucket accont for me unbeknownest to me.

However all did not work as it was supposed to. When I clicked on browse I was supposed to be allowed to say how many images I wanted to store under a given title up to 19. I did and thought I had sucessfully stored 19 images. I then started a new Sub file and stored 19 more images. I proceeded being very happy with my sucess.
However each time I sequentially did so only 13 were saved then I also noticed that the subfile names I gave ( which were the same name with progresive number added to the end) seemed to some how mysteriously merge into one bigger file.

Then when I finisged going through all 82 images on the CD, I was surprised to find I was told I only had 43 saved. So I tried to recall them to see what actually was saved and was told that I only had One File and it only had 6 images in it.And I couldn't recal nay of those 6.

In light of the mysterious Missing and /or Deleted Photos from Photobucket on the French matting thread I am beginning to belive there are some finner points I and maybe some others don't understand. ( which isn't at al surpriseing for ME.LOL) But since others seem to have had problems maybe some one can steer me in the right direction so I can correct my errors and show this nice collection of Needleart done by One woman over her years of having things framed at our shop by trusting our design and treatment completely.

I have had trouble uplaoding large groups of images. You may try uploading smaller groups.