I need help working with a PDF graphic....


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 2, 2001
Centennial, CO, USA
I know this is a long shot, but here goes. I am trying to print up some postcards to mail out. The person designing them worked in Mac and I am in windows. She sent the file to me in PDF. I thought I could just import the images to one of my graphics programs but none of them support PDF images. I am at a loss as to what to do. Anybody know how?

Remember, I am the one who struggled to get the back off of her computer.........although, I do have a very nice copier/scanner/printer that I do believe is up to the job, now if I could just do my part.
email it over if you'd like and ill convert it for ya

.pdf files are cross platform and should open on any computer. But, …

We beleagered Mac users don't need and often don't place the extension ".pdf" on the end of our file names.

If you are using a Windoze OS, try typing that extension on the end of your file, or, if it is already there but is all caps, like ".PDF" try changing it to lower case.

Another but, …

one can also save Acrobat files in an ".eps" format, too. If that's the case you may need Illustrator to open it.
Bill, I can open it and view it I just can't seem to import it into one of my graphics programs to turn it into a postcard so I can print it. I will attempt your suggestion when I get home and can play with it. Thanks!

[ 11-11-2003, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Emibub ]
A pdf file is really a postscript file and needs to be ripped. Anyone with Photoshop should be able to rip it for you. Ripping changes a pdf file (a vector file) to a bitmapped file. Since a pdf file is a vector file, it doesn't have any definite size. Once it's ripped you can import it into an imaging program and size it. All sign printers have rips and they could rip also rip it for you. Once it's ripped, it'll be a much bigger file and you may not be able to e mail it. Warren
I ripped each page for her last night and emailed them over, one at a time. She should be all set.

Yup, Mike is once again the forum "hero". I am going to play around with the images this afternoon. I just may have postcards this evening.....Thanks Mike!

Thanks for all ideas and suggestions from Everybody!