i just want to complain


True Grumbler
Oct 29, 2002
Marquette, Michigan
about the price my lighting guy gave me for 8 ft flourescent tubes. He priced me $490 for 15 bulbs. Thats like 30 some bucks for one D*@ged light! These things must shine some sort of special magic (i havent yet to see this)

Then i do more research online and find that places have the same light for $170 per 15.

I hate light- bulbs

ok i feel a little better now thanks
I hope that included installation. If not, tell him to pick them up cause I want to be your lighting guy.
Try going to Home Depot, an 8' tube should be no more than a few bucks. Mix your tubes, warm & cool, gives a nice light, close to incandescent. An 8' double fixture should also be no more than a couple of dollars. Installing them is another matter. If you are replacing existing fixtures, you can do it, it's easy. If it is all new installation, hire an electrician.

Originally posted by indy:
He priced me $490 for 15 bulbs.

Then i do more research online and find that places have the same light for $170 per 15.
Yikes! that is a bit steep for 8' flourescents. I bought mine at Home Depot for about $8 each and they're good ones with a CRI of 92. These are them: Colortones
My fixtures will only handle 75 watt bulbs. If you want a color corrected flourescent in a higher wattage (like 110 watts) you're going to pay a lot more but not $30 each....more like $15-$20.