I haven't heard anyone complaining....

J Phipps TN

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 14, 2004
Kingsport TN
Could it be that we are starting to pick-up and level-out as an industry as a whole? My sales for the year are about the same as last year.

Is that a good or bad thing.

I'm only asking because I had a Rep in here last week, who's son said he wanted to take over Dad's Rep business, and my Rep told him "no, that he didn't see a future in it" :(

What is everybodys opition on that? I'm just curious?

Frankly, I would love to be a moulding rep one day. I think that would be a cool job. I love sales even more then framing. If I could just stand at the counter all day and sell, I would love it.(visiting frame shops would be awesome too)
Tell me what you think...
Frankly, I would love to be a moulding rep one day.
Are you nuts, Jennifer? I can’t imagine myself bopping in and out of a car all day, in and out of air conditioned stores all day, and all the time lugging a 3 ton sample case full of stuff that nobody in their right mind would want to display. Nope, I like what I’m doing.

As far as sales are concerned, our are up 27% from the same time last year in large part, we think, because of cable TV ads.
See Bill, that's what makes us different. I would love to have a partner that loves to frame and let me do sales!

Don't get me wrong, I love framing, but I love designing it and selling it more than production!

I did a proposal this morning to a New Coffee shop for their art work and that was the most fun!
As far as stuff no one would put out, I would only work for a company that I loved their mouldings Like Larson Juhl. Before i would leave my little shop that I love, the right company would have to come along.
Nasty heat wave... check
Mid-summer doldrums.... check
World War 3 on the horizon... check
Markets in flux... check
Three dollar gas... check
Retail sales down last month... check

Hey, lets go buy framing!

I prepared for our worst week of the year this week, didn't happen. Personally I don't understand it, but I'm not gunna complain. I know personally I haven't spend a penny that wasn't essential. Nothing on the credit cards. Just waiting to see what happens. Fortunately, people don't seem to think along my lines.
Most of what's coming into my shop now has been jobs in the 250 to 400 range plus artists who areselling B/W photos for 1500 to 2500.

Apparently, the people WITH the money still have it and are still spending it.
I'm small enough that one good customer can make or break a week or even a month for that matter.

So far 2006 is running 19.6% over 2005. July has been blockbuster due to two very nice jobs that came in and were picked up and I'm 74.2% over last year so far for the month of July...of course July 2005 was pretty dismal though.

I'm a one man shop and therefore I don't have a great volume.

I moved in mid January and cut my rent in half, but I don't believe the increase is due to the move. Most of the increase is due to a commercial client I picked up who has been very good to me...even prepaying in full for jobs.

Talk to me in August and things may be different!

Dave Makielski

[ 07-21-2006, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: Dave ]
After today. Up and UP. I was on the edge and because we are not talking about a lot of dollars, it doesn't take much to influence the overal %.

I too was expecting a dismal week this week and as for retail trade it was certainly not one of my better ones. (See all my posts on the G this week) Fortunately I just booked a REALLY nice commercial job for one of my better clients. Made my month! and set my year righ back on track....

Funny how things can work out sometnmes.

As for an overall trend... Who the H knows! At 10am it's down, at 11am, it's up again......

I need a beer.
Funny Harry, I'm up in Retail and way down in commercial! Ok, did you take my commercial jobs! ;)
Down 17% over last year - can't figure it. Shop is in an affluent town, but not seeing many people. Even checked to see if a new shop opened up. Don't think I've P**sed anyone off, can't figure it. Unless last year was a fluke -we were up 30% over prior year.

With rent due next Tuesday, I was wondering if the money was going to walk through my doors. I prayed for some work and low and behold... rent check might just clear... customer came in ... paid upfront...next time Iam praying for a convertible soltice... do I sound greedy?