SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
So I figured I'd pass this tasty edu-mercial on to all of the framers I know.
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this is ed.. from LAMP (
As a framer, are you aware of the problems and complaints that many movie poster collectors have when getting their movie poster collectible framed? As a recognized expert in this field, I am contacting framers to help try to resolve some of the problems...
BUT FIRST, let me introduce ourselves. LAMP is THE reference site for movie poster collectors. We've become fairly large, with over 200,000 pages online with an average of about 5000 collectors a day visiting our site. We try to provide information and direction on ANY associated area of movie poster collecting. (If you would like to know more about LAMP, who we are and what we do, please visit these articles on our site: History of LAMP and a LAMP Layout.)
I know that most framers study hard to learn how to handle and frame a wide variety of papers and prints, BUT....
Fold lines are acceptable and considered a sign of originality. They are not supposed to be removed by dry mounting.
If a movie poster collector takes a dry mounted movie poster to a major auction, (i.e. Christie's, Heritage, etc) they will be charged $400 or more to have it removed from the dry mounting because it's considered a DEFECT to the poster as recognized in the hobby???
Using glass on poster sizes of one sheet and above are considered a detriment?
Framing over NSS (National Screen Service) numbers immediately causes concern and suspicion among collectors?
I have literally heard hundreds of stories of new collectors going into their local frame shop and simply assuming that the framer is aware of the acceptable method of framing a collectible movie poster. They are usually very happy with their new framed poster until they learn that certain framing techniques, such as drymounting, are considered "DEFECTS" in the movie poster community. The framer is then basically blamed for RUINING their precious collectible. It doesn't matter that they 'ok'd' the procedure...... the 'bad' guy is always the framer.... because he's the 'EXPERT'.
We're attempting to reach out to framers to try to help eliminate some of these horror stories and restore some of the prestige that framers have worked to obtain. Here's how we can help:
We have prepared a quick reference chart for framers to help quickly identify collectibles vs. non-collectibes.
We have suggestions on how to handle certain potential problem situations
We have access to professionals that can help you offer more services to collectors.
We are continually asked for the names of knowledgeable "movie poster framers" in specific cities. To help establish a network of movie poster framers, we have been talking with collectors and framers about creating a list of 'LAMP Approved Framers' (we already have LAMP Approved Dealers and Suppliers) and wanted to find out who in the industry would be interested.
Here's the basics:
LAMP would provide closer assistance for any questions from framers on any particular poster.
a LAMP Approved certificate to hang in your store for movie poster collectors to identify with.
LAMP has created a US states map AND map for major countries for collectors to see what's available in the collectors area. LAMP will place your location on the map and give contact information showing that you are THE framer to contact that understands the problems of movie poster collectors.
If you have any interest OR any questions about any movie poster related area, please let me know
thanks for your time

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this is ed.. from LAMP (
As a framer, are you aware of the problems and complaints that many movie poster collectors have when getting their movie poster collectible framed? As a recognized expert in this field, I am contacting framers to help try to resolve some of the problems...
BUT FIRST, let me introduce ourselves. LAMP is THE reference site for movie poster collectors. We've become fairly large, with over 200,000 pages online with an average of about 5000 collectors a day visiting our site. We try to provide information and direction on ANY associated area of movie poster collecting. (If you would like to know more about LAMP, who we are and what we do, please visit these articles on our site: History of LAMP and a LAMP Layout.)
I know that most framers study hard to learn how to handle and frame a wide variety of papers and prints, BUT....
Fold lines are acceptable and considered a sign of originality. They are not supposed to be removed by dry mounting.
If a movie poster collector takes a dry mounted movie poster to a major auction, (i.e. Christie's, Heritage, etc) they will be charged $400 or more to have it removed from the dry mounting because it's considered a DEFECT to the poster as recognized in the hobby???
Using glass on poster sizes of one sheet and above are considered a detriment?
Framing over NSS (National Screen Service) numbers immediately causes concern and suspicion among collectors?
I have literally heard hundreds of stories of new collectors going into their local frame shop and simply assuming that the framer is aware of the acceptable method of framing a collectible movie poster. They are usually very happy with their new framed poster until they learn that certain framing techniques, such as drymounting, are considered "DEFECTS" in the movie poster community. The framer is then basically blamed for RUINING their precious collectible. It doesn't matter that they 'ok'd' the procedure...... the 'bad' guy is always the framer.... because he's the 'EXPERT'.
We're attempting to reach out to framers to try to help eliminate some of these horror stories and restore some of the prestige that framers have worked to obtain. Here's how we can help:
We have prepared a quick reference chart for framers to help quickly identify collectibles vs. non-collectibes.
We have suggestions on how to handle certain potential problem situations
We have access to professionals that can help you offer more services to collectors.
We are continually asked for the names of knowledgeable "movie poster framers" in specific cities. To help establish a network of movie poster framers, we have been talking with collectors and framers about creating a list of 'LAMP Approved Framers' (we already have LAMP Approved Dealers and Suppliers) and wanted to find out who in the industry would be interested.
Here's the basics:
LAMP would provide closer assistance for any questions from framers on any particular poster.
a LAMP Approved certificate to hang in your store for movie poster collectors to identify with.
LAMP has created a US states map AND map for major countries for collectors to see what's available in the collectors area. LAMP will place your location on the map and give contact information showing that you are THE framer to contact that understands the problems of movie poster collectors.
If you have any interest OR any questions about any movie poster related area, please let me know
thanks for your time