I failed to get home for Christmas...


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
I got caught up in the Delta Airlines meltdown in Cincinatti on the 24th on my way to Florida for Christmas. Delta finally sent us back to Providence RI when they were unable to get up to our destination. Lost our luggage and want to now only refund 1/2 of my trip because they said it was my decision to come home.

When it come to customer service Delta Airline get a Zero.
Management of a crisis, Delta Airline again failed in my opinion. Yes, they had problems but they didn't have a clue how to start it back up. The problem started 48 hour before I few in. Weather was perfect and they flew a full schedule of morning flight in with no gates to unload and no planes leaving. Saturday was the same problem with most fight canceled and good weather.

OK! Now the news that my wife wanted to tell the relatives in person but was unable to. 1st I'm 52 and my wife is 48, she's pregnant, 9 weeks. We thought it was change of life, surprise! Our youngest is 24. Now, how's that for a Christmas Present.


Wow! You absolutely win the best Christmas present contest. Hope you can keep that 24 yr old close by in the next several years! Congratulations.


I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and your wife. There was 15 years between my older brother and sister and myself and another brother behind me and my parents always said that it was almost like raising 2 separate families for them. The times had changed so drastically for them from the late 20's, when my older sister and brother were born, to the early 40's, when my younger brother and I came along. They had gone through the depression with 2 babies and through WWII with 2 babies and they didn't seem to regret a minute of it at all. They were strict but loving parents and I will always thank the Good Lord that I had them for my parents and role models and not someone else.

You are approaching a completely new phase of your life and it is very exciting to be able to have another chance to bring the very best to those of whom you love the most.

I wish you luck and guidance and well meaning as you and your wife prepare for this blessed coming for your family.


Oh, my gosh, Bill! What a Christmas surprise!! Congrats to all of you and best wishes for what will surely be a new phase of life.

Congratulations to both the Mr & Mrs! That's incredible news.

I'm glad you didnt get caught in the "airline meltdown" this past 4 days. People are STILL stranded all over the place, and their luggage is also lost. They don't expect most of the Comair/Delta planes in the air again until 1/1/05. A lot of employees called in sick, some airports were under construction, it was a heavy travel time, snow storms, and their computer system couldn't handle all the re-calculations. How does a company not plan ahead to expect this kind of temporary peak demand? It's amazing how vulnerable and reliable on technology the airline industry is.

US Air's problem was similar, but because the employees agreed to a 13% pay reduction just a few days before Christmas - and a *LOT* of people called in sick Christmas day. USAir may be going under in just a few more weeks, unless they receive a miracle. Most of their fleet kept flying, but the luggage was another story. They didn't have enough people to properly handle it, so its sitting in a huge pile. They hired an outside company to help get caught up, and trucked some of the luggage to other airports - to be processed there.
Ain't life interesting? You guys will have the time of your lives... wait til you see all the cool stuff they have developed for babies in 24 years!