Well guys...I can't tell

if you're makin' fun or just havin' fun.. But, here's a bit of background on the Zund. First, obviously this may not be the first choice for a small shop, custom framer.

But over the years, we've always admired the capabilities of this machine and thought, "I wonder if we could turn that into a high volume custom design CMC?". So, Zund America looked at our design software and agreed it was a good match for their hardware. They, and their customers, were very supportive.
We looked at what features we would get and the list was impressive. At 40 inches per second, its almost 3 times faster than our new 8500 CMC. It flies!!!
When we cut multiple designs (yes, nesting, cool tiling) the software optimizes the cut sequence so it looks like the CMC is wandering about, but, what its doing is finding the fastest path through dozens of paths. Dave, our math guy, spent weeks studying ways to calculate the fastest cutting path without spending weeks of CPU time.
It has two other cool features. 90 degree cuts (no bevel) and dual zone cutting. It has two heads online at once so you don't have to change anything to get a 90 deg cut.
When you tile a bunch of designs tiled with the outsides lined up, the 90 deg blade allows you to cut all the outsides together. The software sees the adjacent outsides as one long cut and blazes through all the outsides as one large cross hatch. It saves dozens of plunges and time.
Dual zone cutting allows the user to be cutting a 32x40 on side of the M1600 while setting up the other side with another 32x40. If you have a two layer design, the software allows you to place both mats on the able at the same time. First it cuts one layer and then automatically cuts the other layer. Both layers can be custom designs. They are not limited to rectangles.
Blades for the Zund are special design. They are truly amazing. They last many, many times longer than any other CMC blade out there.
Oh, and it has zero waste. We cut to the edges.
Finally, if nothing else, its really cool to watch it cut.
JIm Brown
Manager Software
Wizard International