Husband & Wife teams


PFG, Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Nov 19, 2002
United Kingdom, West Sussex Coast. (Bottom centre)
A recent post in 'Drop ins' made me wonder .......

Since 1997 my wife and I have hardly spent a whole day apart.

We each take one (different) day off in the week. Sometimes Pat will go to her parents' and stay over, so I don't actually see her for a full 24 hrs or more.

On my day off I cycle - off road, take my camera, or read, or do some gardening, or grumble. Nice to be away from people for a day.

Must be Love! But I do enjoy my own company and take my one day off religiously.

Just got a laptop and wireless networking broadband stuff with a router thingy - we're emailing and IM - ing each other from within the house!

Do you live and work together 24/7 with your spouse/partner/other half?
Yup. Great friend and customer as well is Knoxville's best divorce attorney. He said running a small business together will either drive you apart or bring you closer together. Done the latter for us. Altho I'm down now to about three days per week in the store, she's there with me during those days and the other days we garden together, play together and get on each other's nerves together.

Total togetherness, sometimes for good, sometimes for ill. But never a dull moment.

Plus she puts up with me. Not a bad deal all in all
Yea my wife and I are together 24/7. We work together great and we are both very open to each others ideas. Besides the framing we also have a bakery/deli/gallery. I know it sounds like a strange combo but it really works. I am primarily a professional artist, while my wifes art is baking. Yea we even sleep together for about 4 hours a night.
Yes, my husband and I live and work together. We work very well together and before our daughter arrived 2 1/2 years ago, we worked six days a week together and took Sundays off. Now I work 4-5 days a week and he works 5-6 days a week. I take more time off now because of the little one.

We get along very well most of the time.
I don't know how much of a team we are anymore, since I work outside the gallery most days and am there only on my days off from my "other job."

I do help with installs, marketing, building frames and on my days off, but wish I could be there more. We met on the job and have worked together ever since. it works for us.

My wife and I are on different teams in the same conference. She knows nothing about framing and I think she likes it that way.

Ironically, now that I am into my second career with a health insurance company, she is a huge help to me, since she's been a nurse for over 30 years.

("You're having a septoplasty and you're wondering if your insurance will cover it? Can you hold while I call my wife?")
Lexi and I met on the job. She was a bartender and I cooked. After a few months because of her focus and determination she was promoted to management. She threatened to fire me. The company decided that she was right and asked me to leave.

Flash forward about 10 years…..

She's not allowed in the gallery and I'm certain that is why we are so in love to this day!
Jeff, I'm curious to know more about your bakery/deli/gallery! My huband is a baker, and works nights, in someone else's business, and then comes to the shop and some days helps me the rest of the day. We work together well, we're a great team, always have, although some days we just need a break and some alone time. Human, don't ya know? How does food/art work together? I get the heebee-jeebees if even a cookie walks into the frame shop! Horror stories of grease-spots in the middle of someone's Salvador Dali print!
We have often spoken of trying to combine the two, but haven't come up with a solution (i.e funds!). How have you done it? E-mail me, if you'd like, we're quite interested.
I don't work with my hubby but we have one man and two women in our shop.

People Constantly refer to us as "your husband" or "your wife" and to be truthful, sometimes I find it annoying that people just assume that in our business everyone works with their spouse.

I wonder why it is that people think that framers work together, but I've never heard it assumed that other businesses are that way?

I would never walk into a place and just because there is a man and a woman there, assume that they are married.

NOt that it's a big deal - we dont' even bother to correct people most times anymore - it's just not worth the bother.

We live in a very small town (950 people) in the mountains of western Montana. At the present we only have prints, sublimation (TShirts, coffee mugs, etc down stairs. Upstairs is higher end and the framing. I also have a background as a chef but we do almost no frying because of the grease and art. We are planning on adding an outdoor grill this summer.
Oh I probably should add this is a knid of wealthy hideout at the base of discovery ski run so there a lot of seasonal residents. It is also one of the best elk hunting areas in the state and blue ribbon trout fishing.
I keep a close eye on the art and so far have had few problems
Diane and I met at a garage sale. I was the cheapest thing there so she took me home and we have worked together 24/7 ever since. We vacation together, We hike together, argue together etc.
Everything we do is together. I could not operate without her ( wouldn't wan't too ) and she could not do it alone either ( Though at times I am sure she would like to ) ha!. I am non-refundable so she can't return me to the garage sale..ha!
All in All we have a great working relationship.
We started off together doing a busn called
" Edible Art " .