Hurricane Ophelia wants to dance with us...


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
May 30, 2005
historic Charleston, SC
That confused little hurricane/ tropical storm seems to have made up it's mind about coming ashore. Thankfully, it appears that it may be only a Catagory 1 in strength.

Hopefully, all the framers and their families will take due caution and prepare for some of the wet stuff with a big blow. Godspeed and good wishes to us all...
I was surprised on Tuesday morning when I went on a buying expedition to Cocoa Beach. I hadn't seen anything about Ophelia before we left but she was making her presence known before we headed home that afternoon.

She's been hanging around off the coast all week making me very nervous.
I hope she'll just head out to sea and you all will be spared the big blow as well.
I spoke too soon. It's back up to hurricane. You can track all the hurricanes by going to the NOAA hurricane center.

I suppose if you name a storm after a character from a Shakespeare play who was unstable, you can't expect the storm to be anything but chaotic.
It's actually a blessing that Ophelia "stalled".

When a TS or hurricane does this, it mixes up the warm surface water with the cooler deep water making it's source of fuel not warm enough to give it anymore strength.

Now it's on the move again to warmer water so it will strengthen. Let's hope it makes landfall sooner than later.