Huge Mirror


Apr 22, 2005
Los Angeles
I need to take one of these apart...the moulding is about 6 or 7 inches wide...any ideas? I can't even really fit my hands around it to wiggle out the Vnails. I dont want to break the mirror glass.
Can you use little metal wedges to get the v-nails out and then wood blocks and a rubber mallet to pop the corners apart?

I've had success with this technique, but you have to prepare properly and not be afraid to use brute force. (A double martini after you turn off your open sign and lock the door will help in the preparation...face it...a large mirror IS replaceable.


Dave Makielski

"Speak wisely and carry a big stick."
You may want the double martini after you break it apart.
If you have it before you break it apart you may not notice the blood streaming after the mirror shatters.