HTML for Charles (and other Grumblers)

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
<MARQUEE> Hey Charles, look at this!! </MARQUEE>

HTML - HyperText Markup Language - isn't hard. You can find lists of HTML tags in lots of places. One of the most exhaustive lists can be found at <U>The Bare Bones Guide to HTML</U>. (I like my links underlined, don't you?)

The biggest trick is figuring out which codes work in The Grumble. Sometimes you have to just try them and see what happens. Now that we can edit 'til the cows come home, you can experiment all you want without looking like a dope. Expect to see frequent changes to this message as I experiment a little myself.

Here are the tags I'm aware of that work. If you know about others, feel free to add them to the list. And to see what the HTML tags look like, click on quote button ("") so you can see the post as I am writing it.

You already know about bold and italics which work just like bold and italics in UBB. Did you know you could also do <u>underline</u> and <s>strikeout</s>? Or you can do a subscript: H<SUB>2</SUB>O or a superscript: $45/ft<SUP>2</SUP>

Maybe, instead of having an image appear wherever it feels like:

you'd really like to have it centered: <CENTER>

You can force a Line Break (carriage return).
Sometmes it's nice to have a horizontal divider line (or rule.)This is one of the few HTML tags that doesn't work in pairs:

There are tags for special characters like &copy; and &reg;. For a complete list of special characters see <U>Special HTML characters</U>. Use the ISO code for the ? in the format: &#?; You never know when you'll be talking to the Diva and need a ¿

You can change <font color =red>the font color</font> and/or the <font size =7>font size</font>. The font size can be set from 1-7. I think 3 is the normal Grumble text size.

Many of these tags can be used in combination:

<MARQUEE><FONT SIZE =7><FONT COLOR =BLUE> Wow, would you look at that!</FONT></FONT></MARQUEE>

And finally, a warning: If many of us actually use these codes with any kind of regularity, we'll all go blind.
Oh boy!! Look what I started NOW!

(Wonder if I should tell Ron that, if you go overboard with the trick HTML, you eventually throw the host program into terminal overload and it finally just sucks itself into a black hole in the middle of the screen and is never seen again??)


GOOBER, the guy with the grenade pin in his hand.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by framerguy:
Wonder if I should tell Ron that, if you go overboard with the trick HTML, you eventually throw the host program into terminal overload and it finally just sucks itself into a black hole in the middle of the screen and is never seen again?? <hr></blockquote>

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
And finally, a warning: If many of us actually use these codes with any kind of regularity, we'll all go blind.<hr></blockquote>

That's what I meant . . .
Ya means ya gotsta write all that stuff?????

Just ta makes bolds and underlines and colors???

Me no understand. Me stupid framer. Regressing rapidly.......
Ok, Ronnie Dearest, I have a color glossy photograph in my hand (with circles and arrows on the back of it) and I have a scanner and a PC. I log onto the grumble. I want to share my photo with my buds. Now what do I do?????

And remember, not only do I have the Dummies book, I have the Complete Idiots book!

Dermot wants to see his godkittens (doncha Dermot?)
ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I've stumbled into a mine field and I expect it will blow at any moment. I'M outa here
Hmmm, no response from Charles. He must be on his way here with Bubba and Junior. It's just as well.
<S>I don't think it's possible to teach HTML to a guy from Clayton, NC.</S>
<U>What I meant to say was, Charles is probably too busy to waste his time on this stuff anyway.</U>

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by framerguy:
Oh boy!! Look what I started NOW!<hr></blockquote>

Wow, Tom. I thought it was Al Gore that invented HTML - or maybe Max. Hats off to you, pal! Do you think you could make it a little more "user-friendly" in the next version, though?

Framar, and others: Nobody is suggesting that it will ever be practical to use much HTML in Grumble posts. Traffic here would be severely impaired if people have to <U>develop</U> posts instead of just <U>writing</U> them. But some of the simple tags, like the underline and strikeout, are easy and useful. (See above.) You just have to remember to enclose them in <> instead of the [] we use in UBB code.

Getting your pictures on The Grumble can be as much or as little trouble as you want, Framar. (BTW, I don't believe for a minute that you're as stupid as you give yourself credit for.) You can wade through <U>This Minefield</U> and use the NEXT and PREVIOUS posts to get the whole story. Or you can scan your photo, save it at 72 dpi and email it to me with appropriate text and I'll post it for you. If you're not sure how to attach it to an email, let me know. It's not too hard. I still have lots of storage space on my Microsoft site and, when I start to run low, I have free storage set up with Yahoo!, Hewlett Packard and a few others.
I dont' know, Anne. I think it looks like one of those moving targets at the carnival. You know, hit the Curly and win a giant teddy bear!
I'm with you Ron. I will now try and print the site. Thanks. I'm too financially embarassed to go buy the book. I appreciate the help.
Guess it IS impossible for a Clayton guy to learn HTML. I will stick with the usual Grumble stuff. Maybe I'll add notes, stating what color I wish my text was in.
Thank you Ronnie, I have printed out all of your instructions (all 18 pages) (and I am going to bill Curly for the ink - I now have SIX pictures of him!!! I will read up on all this and perhaps by the weekend I can share a photo of a very special frame shop with youse (hint: it's called The Framaree). Now I must study.......