HP Officejet 630 and Windows XP


PFG, Picture Framing God
Apr 12, 2001
Destin, Florida
I have an HP Officejet 630 do-it-all printer and I am having some trouble getting my installation CD to install on Windows XP since it was originally set up for Win 95/98. Has anyone out there in Grumbleland had a problem with installing this type of printer/FAX/scanner/copier to their XP operating system??

I downloaded the new driver from the HP website but I can't use it because I can't get the OS to load the setup CD and install the program for the printer.

Are there any upgrades to a newer OS for this printer that are available? I didn't have much luck finding one on the HP site but my patience is very short when keying through 127 different screens in an attempt to find what I am looking for.

Any help would be truly appreciated.

Well, looking at HP's site, here's the installation instructions and download page for that printer. The download link is at the bottom... it warns you to order the CD is you're not broadband, but it's only 25 megs which isn't that bad for dialup.

The rest of the page has good instructions for what to do next...
They suggest removing any old drivers prior to doing any of this, making sure your printer port is set up as ECP, and turning OFF the printer so it can be auto detected at the very last step.

When you say:
"I can't use it because I can't get the OS to load the setup CD and install the program for the printer. "

What exactly do you mean? You can't find the file you downloaded?

Try Start -> Search -> All Files and Folders -> In All or Part of File, type: oj600*.exe -> search.

When the file comes up in the right windows, (oj600_ENU_xp1505.exe(25.44 MB) ) click on it to invoke the installation CD.

It will ask for a default installation location, which is fine.

It will give you an error that says it isnt certified for Windows XP, which you can ignore.

When the main screen comes up, click INSTALL.

When it prompts you to turn the printer on, the XP wizard should auto detect it. Just accept the defaults and go through the screens with NEXT -> and finish until done. Same idea for the fax wizard.

I hope this is helpful. Better instructions are at the link Steve posted above, as well as a link to the main installation file - if you need to download it again. It's also possible the original download is damaged.

Aw, O,
Just get an Epson 3170 Photo Scanner, and a H/P Photosmart 7660 printer...
I KNOW you have that money we stole from Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in '78...(as you know, we can't discuss those, ah, millions we, ah, got from that mission, if, ah, it really took place, which we can't, ah, confirm or deny)
