Well, I'll be durned: a pissin' contest sprung up out of an innocent question! Framer, this is surely got to be the first time that's happened on the grumble, eh?
But talk about some valuable information passed on, it's happening here. I really appreciate everybody pitching in.
Marc, I suspect you're right in that the Gunnar is the top of the line system. I've seen them at framing shows, but they looked too industrial and gold-plated for an investment of my time. In other words, I didn't think I'd be able to afford one and haven't had time at a show yet to just peruse something which might be a goood future fit for us. I resolve to make time the next time I get somewhere. What's the system cost, anyway? (I couldn't find it in a quick perusal of their website) I would guess in the $45 - 60k range, but they do have this whole range in their product line now. Let me just pull a number out of the air and say US$45k, so I can do some math. (Apologies to Gunnar but you shouldn't be afraid to put your price out there). This is comparing probable monthly leasing costs of Gunnar, Fletcher (Eclipse looks roughly equivalent) vs. the Wizard rental.
Systems: Gunnar F-T 6100 Wizard
cost: 45000 25500 16000
monthly (est) 940 525 375
(or, if you do the jr rental) 225
both wizard #'s include their minimum monthly cover charges (4000 & 1000 respectively) extra corners either 5/10cents
No corner charges on the other systems
Software: n/a n/a 500
Those numbers aren't too accurate, probably, but you can see the order of magnitude differences. I think Marc's observation that the Fletcher/Eclipse units are good value for the money is a good one. And besides, if you do like to drive a Mercedes, nothing else will work for you.
The comparison of a Wizard to a Ford is apt, too; not only in comparison to the other systems, but in thinking that those of us who are still cutting mats by hand are standing on the side of the road hitchhiking with sore wrists and backs. Those Fords whizzing past are looking pretty good!
In talking with the Wizard folks, they told me that only about 35 of the folks who got the rental machines (and that's out of thousands; hopefully they meant 35%) paid for a tech to ride shotgun with the system and fire it up. After looking at all the problems viewed above which people are living with, I'd respectfully suggest that it be viewed as a must-do investment. (and fair warning: any tech who shows up to help me with any system better bring a toothbrush, cause it won't be a quick in-n-out trip) We'll be cutting some mats for sale before they get back on the plane.
a question: both the Gunnar and Fletcher systems tout their easy blade changes. Silence from the Wizard website-what do you do to change a Wizard blade?