How was your "Black Friday"


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 19, 2002
So how was it? We were up 90% over the same day last year. Tons of people out shopping today.

Talking to other stores in our mall and they all were having record days, many hitting their goal for the day before noon.

Let's hope this is the sign of the times!!!
We were busy. Sold some stuff, including a paper trimmer that was here when we bought the store 11 years ago (Glad to see THAT go!) Definitely up from last year... cross your fingers everybody!
Here in suburbia, we have never had a good day-after-Thanksgiving. Everyone goes to the malls adcross town. A few years ago we started closing on "Black Friday" with no regrets.

October was good and November has been excellent, but December would have to be astounding to make 2005 a good growth year. We've adapted and profit dollars are up again this year, although revenue YTD is just OK.
We had a great day at this location but I have no idea how the other store sales were. YTD we are above last year's total sales by about 15%. I expect strong sales untill Christmas.
Great job, Tim. We,too, had a fantastic day; The second best day after ever.

We are expecting a great season and bought (and planned) for it.

If the Versalaser holds any promise, it could be a bonanza

Haven't seen traffic counts yet, but our tranaction count broke 100

Lots of smiling faces and we'll start hearing the success stories soon. KB Toys broke 1000 transactions yesterday, and I'll bet that many of those ticket averages were over $100

Disney just remodled a new store and had a great day and Victoria's Secret had a crowd control barrier next door.

Consumers are spending-it's up to us to get our fair share
Sold an 8x10 mat.
It was my single best day ever (excluding a few freaky big orders).

Even with people flowing through the door like a river and the register ringing constantly, I feel like I failed. I wanted more. I sit here wondering what more could I have done. Everything died hard at around 3.

All and all a very good day.
Congratulations, Jay

I know what went into his success and he earned every bit of it. I am certain that he will suggest that he had little to do with it, but I am here to tell you that he planned, he stocked and he kicked butt

Location aside, it still takes a good operator

Way to go, grasshopper. You made this old retailer proud

(But, I told that, didn't I?)
I was swamped with my one customer for the whole day, must've spent fifteen or so minutes with him. My shop is way, way, out of the way, surprised I even had that one sale. Usually "Black Friday" is just about zero for us. We set up our Christmas displays, priced tons, well, a bunch, of new merchandise for the season, that was it.

OK Bob, your in a mall, how was your day?

In the 70'S we used to recruit 3 extra people just to work the two days after thanksgiving. Downtown was mobbed from morning until closing (we extended our hours to 9:00pm those two days).
Fast forward to downtown 2005---> Four major retail stores , two paper mills and a Hathaway Shirt factory closed.
Friday was a slow day but two big orders made for a great money day. Saturday just like any other.
I suspect we will be busy from here on in though.
The malls are a big factor here as well.
Bill Taylor
Waterville, Maine
2005 has taught me a very valuable lesson.....never let business come before family.

This year my husband lost his Mom on July 13th and I lost mine on Nov. 9th.

Now, looking back I can't help but think about all of the times I put business before that phone call or trip down to visit one of them, and wish I had taken more time to be with them when they were both still alive. In the scheme of things my business has really lost it's importance and no matter how the year ends financially it won't make up for the huge loss we've taken personally.

After you read this, please stop what you are doing and take the time to call your Mom or whoever is important in your life. They want to hear from you and a few minites away from business is not going to hurt your bottom line, but their loss will really hurt your heart.
Originally posted by Jim Miller:
Here in suburbia, we have never had a good day-after-Thanksgiving. Everyone goes to the malls adcross town. A few years ago we started closing on "Black Friday" with no regrets.

October was good and November has been excellent, but December would have to be astounding to make 2005 a good growth year. We've adapted and profit dollars are up again this year, although revenue YTD is just OK.
I could have wrote this myself except my October was better than November!
Friday and Saturday were as busy as they should be - We took time off and flew to Maryland to be with family, but still had a staff of four running around the place both days.

"Black Friday" was great, but so was "Black Monday" - yesterday, the busiest Internet shopping day of the year. The media calls this correctly as we took in 30 website orders in addition to our regular traffic. :D

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