how to post a picture

Daniel Mooney

Grumbler in Training
Jul 13, 2004
Glendale AZ
I am trying to post a picture of some frames I made for a customer but I have been unable to because they have no URL, or am i just trying to post them the wrong way?

they a tiff images on my hard drive. How do i put them in my post
Set up an account at or the like.
Upload the image. Copy the URL. Click on the Image button on the grumble reply page. Paste the URL in the image field.
Geez, Dave, you're gonna make me look bad.

A while back, I posted a series of three or four sets of instructions about how to use MS Communities to get pictures on The Grumble.

Most people got half-way through the first post and said, "To **** with this!"

My daughter has been pestering me to look at Photobucket for some time now. She is, after all, the Digital Diva.

I guess that makes you Digital Dave. :D
Looks like Photobucket has OD'ed on new users!

They aren't taking any new members for the next few days until they finish upgrading their system.

Thanks for the tip, Dave, I was looking for another storage site!

After you get your pic uploaded and get the url and use this line \/\/\/

< img src="http://www.enter-ur-url-here/image-name-here.jpg">

Put your information in there and remove the space between the "<" and the "img".

Sorry Ron, we just shredded your 4 part explanation of posting pictures in a few sentences
Easier than that is to click on the image button on the full reply board. It fills in the code for you.
You might notice I haven't been posting a lot of pictures. It has to be something really important, like a picture of Sue May being thrown into the sacrificial pit by ancient Mayans.

I could use a simpler system myself.
If you consistently use the Full Reply Form
('cause you like the instant UBB codes or the Graemlins) you can shut off the Quick Reply form in your profile.