I have been considering TV for a while. It will likely be my advertising of choice for this year. A guy called just yesterday to see about putting me on a local hour-long channel thingy bla bla bla.
He comes in absolutely reeking of smoke. I know for a fact that its possible to smoke and not smell like an a**…I mean butt.
He tried to tell me about how this is my “busy time of year.” It’s mighty bold to assume that he knows my business.
What’s worse is that he leads the hour-long show and has decided to substitute the word “oriented” with “orientated”. Maybe Capt. English can help me out here but even a hick like me doesn’t think those words are interchangeable.
He threw out some silly numbers like “We reach over 25,000 homes……our demographic is from toddlers all the way up to senior citizens.” What a pile of BS.
The pricing is silly too. An entire hour is $600.00. A 30-second commercial on that show is $60. Hmmm….
It really made me look at some little things that I might do to turn off customers. I don't think it's anything real obvious like this but maybe I need to go hone my selling skills.
Anyway it gave me something to do for about 10 minutes. Now back to your regularly scheduled program!
He comes in absolutely reeking of smoke. I know for a fact that its possible to smoke and not smell like an a**…I mean butt.
He tried to tell me about how this is my “busy time of year.” It’s mighty bold to assume that he knows my business.
What’s worse is that he leads the hour-long show and has decided to substitute the word “oriented” with “orientated”. Maybe Capt. English can help me out here but even a hick like me doesn’t think those words are interchangeable.
He threw out some silly numbers like “We reach over 25,000 homes……our demographic is from toddlers all the way up to senior citizens.” What a pile of BS.
The pricing is silly too. An entire hour is $600.00. A 30-second commercial on that show is $60. Hmmm….
It really made me look at some little things that I might do to turn off customers. I don't think it's anything real obvious like this but maybe I need to go hone my selling skills.
Anyway it gave me something to do for about 10 minutes. Now back to your regularly scheduled program!