How to mount a laminated poster?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Feb 14, 2004
Nicholasville, KY
Hello. This one is dear to my heart.
My former art teacher in elementary school and my mom's co worker for over 10 years died recently from cancer. :(
She was an amazing person.

She had a poster in her room at school. My mom always liked it and Becky had it since I was in kindergarten (I am 24 now). My mom now has possesion of it and it will be hung in her house.

The poster of course has seen better days, but the main issue is that it is laminated and has more than a few dings, etc
It is about 16 x 20 with a white 3 inch border that will be covered by the mats.

How should I go about mounting this?
Would one of the perfect mount boards work?

Steven- yeah, that's what I would use. Should work fine. No heat, of course.
:cool: Rick
What does the poster show/say?
When faced with mounting an already laminated poster, we first clean the back of it with lighter fluid (naphtha) to get rid of residual oils and stuff, then lightly rough up the back of it with a fine sandpaper. That seems to give it a little more “tooth”.

We then mount it using cold PMA onto rag foamboard which has a slightly rougher surface than regular foam board.

We avoid using heat altogether.
It is of a painting by some artist that I am not familar with. It is a nice street scene.
It had a 6 inch border which I cut off due to the pin holes etc. I have a peice of this border currently under some glass on a perfect mount scap piece.

Baer what kind of paste?
You know, we just dry mounted a laminated map (National Geographic World Map 50 x 72). Heat and all. We were going to do the roughing up thing and then spray mount it, but it was so big that we were going to need three people. It seemed more of a pain to hassel with it that way.

The border was going to be trimmed anyway, so I cut off a bit and drymounted it. It wasn't effected by the heat at all.

We went ahead and drymounted it. Turned out great!

Hamster, you got lucky then. We tried dry mounting a large laminated National Geographic World Map once. Figured it was laminated by heat anyway, surely it was safe to dry mount with heat. It melted a big spot on it. Good thing they're easy to come by, because we ended up having to replace it and do it all over again, relaminated and remounted it.
Rick Granick: No heat, of course.
Bill Henry: We avoid using heat altogether.
Baer: NO HEAT.
Val: ...melted a big spot on it.

We've already done the research for ya on this one. Trust us.
Yep Hamster, I think you just got verrry rucky! :eek:
suggest you try picking up a corner and pulling to make sure your mount is firm. Laminates usually act somewhat like release paper and the drymount tissue won't stick - couple of days later the mounted item falls off.

I still don't understand why people put things in their press without testing. At least heat up the tacking iron and poke around the edges a bit to see if there are any obvious reactions before heading to the press.
The perfect mount seemed to work just fine.
It is going in my mother's house so if there is a problem I can work on it, etc.

Thanks to everyone!

We have dry mounted laminated posters many times using heat with no problems. If you watch your temp and time in the press you shouldn't have any problems. Lucky..maybe, maybe not. Others unlucky..maybe, maybe not.

As Bandsaw said, it is always better to test
Yeah same here, I just finished mounting about 50 posters - 17 x 26 each. 4 at a time on a sheet of oversize Speedmount, and they all came out just peachy.
Well thanks, I needed reassurance. I'll try Perfect Mount for this huge laminated wall map of Montana!
Hi, Moccasin Mountain. Welcome to the Grumble! For posters 40 x 60 or less, we also use Canvas Mount Cor. It's out everywhere now, but when we can get it, it's worked well on laminated things. Just sharing, because it's been invented since this thread began. Wishing you success with the map. :)