Have a CMC and can't sell up graded mattes?
Try this: take and cut an 11 x 14 or 8 x 10 of every mat style (double mattes work best) use the same colors for all so choose a good color scheme. Then take the top 14 inches above your moulding samples and use velcro to hang them up. You may have more samples than space. I rotate different ones weekly or monthly. It does help to show. I also cut the 11x 14 borders 2"top,sides, 2.25 bottom and the 8 x 10 borders 2.125"TSB. Every so often I change color schemes and just sell the samples as ready made mattes. Works for me. What works for you?
[ 09-23-2003, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: GUMBY ]
Try this: take and cut an 11 x 14 or 8 x 10 of every mat style (double mattes work best) use the same colors for all so choose a good color scheme. Then take the top 14 inches above your moulding samples and use velcro to hang them up. You may have more samples than space. I rotate different ones weekly or monthly. It does help to show. I also cut the 11x 14 borders 2"top,sides, 2.25 bottom and the 8 x 10 borders 2.125"TSB. Every so often I change color schemes and just sell the samples as ready made mattes. Works for me. What works for you?
[ 09-23-2003, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: GUMBY ]