I believe that to call it a "SALE" and state that it is "50% off our regular price" you must sell at that regular price a certain percentage of the time. Of course, what I believe, what is actual law and what large firms with on staff attorneys or law firms on retainer are able to get away with have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
I had someone bring in a Michael's quote and asked me to quote the job. There "50% off" price was about 6% lower than my "Every day everybody gets the same price" price.
Did I match or beat Michael's price for framing these two maps? Many (if not most) might disagree with my decision, but I pulled a Gen. Douglas MacArthur and said "Nuts". I expressed appreciation for allowing me the opportunity to quote...explained that this is the type of work that they can be extremely competitive on...pointed out that their "everyday price" was close to 90% higher than my "everyday price" and let them walk. They received a bit of education on quality custom framing and said they would be back when it was their money and not their company's and when they had items which needed professional framing.
Maybe I did make the wrong decision...?...but I think the talents I've developed over many years and the offerings I provide command at least 6% more than the big box guy who may or may not have been hired yesterday. Besides, I wasn't twidlin' my thumbs in back looking for work.
You are right when you say the general public doesn't get it and catch on to marketing hype. My customer is not the "general public" though. I am happy with targeting my guesstimated 20-30% of the population who appreciate the craftsmanship of quality custom framing and will pay accordingly.
If I stooped to matching the lowest prices I would resent working on the job and feel like I sold out...might as well go work for the big boxes...at least they will let you have benefits after working long enough to be more than part-time...
Dave Makielski