penguin with sun glasses
Hi everyone. this is probably a really anoying question, but I'm wondering if anyone is willing to share how long it should take to lace a cross stitch.
The reason I'm asking is that we are just begining to offer that service here. We can't charge them for the time it takes for a beginer to do it, obviosly.
What do you think we could use as a starting point for pricing?
Oh, and maybe I should introduce myself.
I've been framing for a few years and just started work at a new shop. I chose July for my handle cause thats the name of my favorite film director, plus it's a good month. The grumble is awsome--I've been using the search feature a lot. Thanks for your time.
The reason I'm asking is that we are just begining to offer that service here. We can't charge them for the time it takes for a beginer to do it, obviosly.
What do you think we could use as a starting point for pricing?
Oh, and maybe I should introduce myself.