How do YOU make a " T " hinge?!

Brian Lehr

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jun 1, 2003
San Diego, CA
Topic subject is a rhetorical question. All other questions are real.

We just got our Art Business News mag and the companion supplement that bills itself "the Educational Recouce for Custom Framers" or something, and the main article is about making T-hinges. Now, I can't be the only one who has conflicting views about the conflicting pictures and conflicting instructions.

Wheat starch hinging original oil paintings?
Hinging art to the back of the window mat?
The large diagram of an obsolete hinge method.(I think that's the 'falling hinge')
Of what relevance is the photo of burnishing mylar mounting strips?
Hinges placed only at the top corners of the art?

Vivian Kistler's contribution to the article, however, was more exemplary.

Anyone else notice this?
Among the things that Brian mentions, starch and
tissue hinges on an oil are likely to present problems, while hinging to the back of the
window and hinges on the corner of the sheet must
be avoided.

Brian, I was behaving myself and just lurking through FBN, but then this warning light in my head kept sounding that same ol' tune about isn't it Bizzaro Time Somewhere?

Thank goodness you posted. I thought Less' Unseal had snuck over into my reading mater.

Glad it wasn't just me. John? Are you Lurking?

Brian, I do not get ABN, and I am sorry because I always enjoy a good laugh. Just can't believe Vivian lent a hand to such nonsense!

Paul Frederick CPF
the curmudgeon