MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Another thread about losing a painting made me wonder how does everyone store artwork?
This is how we do it: We have Lifesaver software. We print out a two part slip.
The top part of the first slip goes to the customer. The bottom part of the first slip goes on the portfolio with the artwork. We have day of the week clips ( like a clipboard ) on a wall. The work order goes on clip the day it is due.
The work art work is stored in polyflute folders or polyflute boxes. We have flat files for flat work and shelves for objects in boxes.
We "misplaced" ( OK.. LOST )
one thing in our 24 years. It was stored in a plain white envelope. This was a very small piece of art. Never found it. Paid the artist $250 without question. It made us think very hard about how to store art. We have found that even the smallest art work needs to go in a larger portfolio or box.
This is how we do it: We have Lifesaver software. We print out a two part slip.
The top part of the first slip goes to the customer. The bottom part of the first slip goes on the portfolio with the artwork. We have day of the week clips ( like a clipboard ) on a wall. The work order goes on clip the day it is due.
The work art work is stored in polyflute folders or polyflute boxes. We have flat files for flat work and shelves for objects in boxes.
We "misplaced" ( OK.. LOST )