RESULTS from previous surveys: LINK TO RESULTS
Do you buy standard sizes, or cut it from larger sheets?
If I listed every type of glass out there, the survey would be huge. Each of these glass types are "or equivalent", if you don't see the brand you use.
Discussion is welcomed!
-This survey is intended for framers.
-Your poll selections are anonymous, although discussion is public and encouraged.
-Results represent only a small sample of the industry, and should NOT be used as a planning tool/business plan.
-This survey is purely for entertainment and discussion.
Sorry for the slow start this month, i'm on vacation.
[ 06-01-2006, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Mike Labbe @ GTP ]
RESULTS from previous surveys: LINK TO RESULTS
Do you buy standard sizes, or cut it from larger sheets?
If I listed every type of glass out there, the survey would be huge. Each of these glass types are "or equivalent", if you don't see the brand you use.
Discussion is welcomed!
-This survey is intended for framers.
-Your poll selections are anonymous, although discussion is public and encouraged.
-Results represent only a small sample of the industry, and should NOT be used as a planning tool/business plan.
-This survey is purely for entertainment and discussion.
Sorry for the slow start this month, i'm on vacation.
[ 06-01-2006, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Mike Labbe @ GTP ]