How do you attach batting to needlework?


True Grumbler
Oct 15, 2002
I posted a while back about what a customer was explaining what they wanted. The majority of you said it was cotton batting. So now I have the batting now how do I attach it to the needlework and the backing? Thanks for any help.

Nobody on that thread;f=1;t=008996 suggested cotton batting. What most framers are using is polyester quilt batting. It comes in different thicknesses and you can use multiple layers if you need more poof.

Don't attach it to the needlework, and it only needs minimal attachment to the backing, since the stretched needlework will hold it in place.
I use 3/16 inch foam core as backing for most needlework. I attach the poly-backing to the foam core with a little atg tape. As Ron says, only minimal attachment is necessary, mainly to just hold it in place until you get the needlework secured.
But you can always use the cotton batting to make q-tips.

I think I actually said "cotton Batting" on one thread, but I didn't really mean it!

You have to be careful about what you read in this place. Even when you type it yourself!

I use the polyester as Ron says.

I do not "attach" it in any way. Once the needleart is stretched over it, it stays in place.
Originally posted by Cliff Wilson:
I think I actually said "cotton Batting" on one thread, but I didn't really mean it!

You have to be careful about what you read in this place. Even when you type it yourself!

OK? Thanks for the help I think.
Batter UP! :D

If you don't use polyester batting, then it ends up flatter than a pancake . . .

untill it starts to settle..... think great aunt bessy... :eek:
To get more specific, I use 3/16 Artcare to mount needlework. If you use ATG to attach the batting, use acid free.
the reason I need the batting is they want the padded look to it.