How do CMC's cut lge. pieces?

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
I'm just wondering.......

With a CMC, let's say I need a mat cut the size of 31 1/2" x 39 3/4". Can that be done from a 32 x 40 board? I remember hearing that there is some kind of waste around the edges. If so, is that the case with both the Wizard AND Eclipse? Does this mean that larger matboards are required more often?
Some CMCs require a margin around two edges for pneumatic hold-down during cutting. The Mat Maestro needs 1-1/2". I guess some high-end models have other ways to hold the board.

If you needed a board a bit smaller than 32x40 for a mat, you'd probably size the board on a wall cutter and cut the window(s) with the CMC. That's what I normally do, regardless of the size, to minimize waste. That way, too, the only limitation is my mat borders must be at least 1-1/2". I can live with that.

Sound like you're giving a CMC some serious thought, Sherry.
Oh!! I learn something new with every CMC question I raise! For some reason, I didn't realize the CMC would cut JUST the window. So, that's great!

You are right Ron....we are serious about getting a CMC now. I was hoping to put it off until next year but of late, it's come to dawn how much more I could get done if I had one. And since time is $! :rolleyes:

So, in thinking about it, questions keep cropping up in attempt to cover all the "bases" BEFORE buying....if you know what I mean!
Hi Sherry-Call me Monday and we'll set up some time for you to come over. We'll give you the deluxe tour-but you bring the boards.

All my framers are very adept at using it, so whomever is available, they can teach tricks. After about 3 or 4 mats, though, you wil be prety proficient.

If Edd is reading, this ought to worth another trip in Vegas in the Wizard Limo, right?

Seriously, call me and we'll show the ropes

All that for the price of lunch-What a deal
Oh, be careful, Sherry!

Bob has a taste for Ruth's Chris Restaurants. It might be cheaper to just go out and buy a Wizard AND and an Eclipse and be done with it!

Really, take him up on his offer. A little hands-on experience with a couple of CMCs and two things will happen: It'll be easier to make a choice between the two contenders, and you'll become suddenly even more impatient to get one of them into your shop.

Have you contacted Wizard or Eclipse? They have stuff, like videos and demo software and impressive comparisons that'll show why each machine is better than the other.

But nothing beats a personal visit.

After I bought my Mat Maestro, I was visiting John Ranes and he showed me the Fletcher CMC. I was astounded. I remember thinking, "You mean a CMC doesn't HAVE to sound like a cross between Robocop and the garbage truck in front of the house at 4 a.m.?"

Later, he caught me trying to sneak out the back door with it.
Sherry Lee,

You can make that cut on a Wizard using what they call a rail dodge - strips of mat (I use 2" width) placed under the clamps with your 32 x 40 taped with removable tape.

Oh nuts, I just wrote out a long reply and it got zapped by 'flood protection'! I'll try to recall:

Ruth's Chris?? And I just bet there happens to be one within a block of Bob Carter!!

Bob - I'd be happy to call you...just email me the preferred phone number (since you have more than one location). And thanks!

We did see the Wizard, though all too quick (due to many classes) at the WCAF Jan. show in Vegas. Time ran out before getting to the Eclipse booth so I must get ahold of the rep. for Arizona. I wish Fletcher's CMC program had stayed a float - I've heard only good things from those that own one.

And Pat, thank you for your input - it's good to know!
Hi Sherry-I'll settle for Luby's. Call me at the PV store 602-996-0021, but bring your own mats and corners (tee hee)
The Fletcher 6100 will cut a mat opening 1/4" from the edge of the board. You can cut a 40"X 60" mat with an opening of 39 1/2" X 59 1/2". Only problem is, Fletcher discontinued the 6100, can't get em anymore. Oh well. If that is really a concern for you, perhaps you could find a used one somewhere. Wizard may even have one they will sell you, since they will take ANY CMC as a trade in on their machines.

OK, seriously, the time and money you will save and make, by owning a CMC, will more than compensate you for having to purchase the occasional oversize board. That concern is probably at the very bottom of the "problems with owning a CMC list."

Take Bob up on his generous offer. Take the boards for a few existing jobs in your shop with you. After they show you how to make a CMC go, cut your mats. This will give you an idea how long it will take to train a new employee on a CMC. Just think, no more mat cutting prima donnas in your shop! That alone can make purchasing a CMC worth it.
