How best to mount papyrus


Grumbler in Training
Dec 28, 2004
Moree, NSW 2400, Australia
Can someone offer advise?
I have an Egytian painting on paper made from papyrus to be mounted on Rag Mat with frayed edges showing.

What is the best method of securing the papyrus to the mat board?

Jacques Malan
I would recommend wheat starch paste on teeeeeny mulberry V-Hinges hidden behind any large painted areas. Papyrus is so translucent that often hinges will show through. I have framed one with one hinge centered near the top with another off cenetered near the bottom to keep it from swinging - both hinges were behind painted areas. This particular Papyrus was floated on a second piece of glass spaced off the background with FrameSpace 3 (1/2 inch airspace) covered by ao=nother piece of AR glass with FrameSpace 1 (3/16 inch airspace) The front FrameSpace allowed me to curl up the Papyrus a little to give it some character rather than just being flat.
I used anti-reflection glass on both layers.

Happy New Year Everybody!