How Accurate?


True Grumbler
Mar 10, 2004
At the point of sale, unless it is important that we do otherwise, we only measure and calculate the frame size to the nearest inch for pricing purposes. This is so as not to delay the customer by the extra time it would take to be accurately dimension the job in the customer's presence.

But perhaps customers would appreciate being involved with all the dimensioning details. Have we been doing it wrong all these years?

The last few years give or take a few inches, this hasn’t caused any problems bar one PITA (pain in the a*s) customer

We also round out the numbers for speed. On bigger jobs with quantities of the same frame precision becomes more important.

I would suggest that if the difference concerns you that you perhaps make a record of the +/- total $$$ to get a true indication of whether the balance tips your way or the customers way...
I do an accurate measurement at the front counter. An inch, or two, can make a difference in the price, either higher or lower. I like to make sure the customer likes my mat widths, and compromise or discuss it if we have different ideas about how wide the mat should be. Also, when I check the order later, there is no question as to what I, or they, had in mind. I also don't have to stand there and debate with myself over size-it has already been decided.
That's interesting.

I'd rather get my precise measurements right away, write up the order and put it in a file drawer where it's safe.

The only exceptions are complex collages which require multiple measurements. I get a finished size for the work order and measure individual items when I'm ready to cut the mat.