This is a cross stitch piece for a Bottle of Crystal brand Hot sauce by Baumer Foods.We did the original Frame job for the Crossstitch designer to use as a display in another Stitcher shop about 10-12 years ago.About a year after, we were asked by the wife of the Vice -President of Baumer if we could duplicate the job for Mr. Baumer,since she had seen it at the other shop.Embarassingly I had to borrow it back to remeber what i had done.After seeing it again I said, yes, and probably better.Only thing is that when they got the finished piece she decided to keep it in her husband Officeand forget about Mr.Baumer.
The work incorporates a Rising yellow Core mat which was all that was available before things like Brite -core mats.In it we inserted a ribbon cut segment of Blue to duplicate the Label and the word Crystal was acid etched in the glass (although in this picture it is not exactaly visible) to give a crystal like look to the Brand name.I also cut slanted and circular V-groves in the Rising Mat to accent the goldish trim in the actual label. My wife, Marie, hand painted the wording and the Cayenne Peppers to further duplicate the Label .The Top Rising mat's lower arc extended past the following second Red mat and then the third blue mat.The Frame was a Dusty Blue Frame -Mica .
All of this was done before CMCs by useing just my Circular and Straight cutting C&H Mat cutters .I sometimes continued the V-grooves and made the Circle and straight cuts meet with the use of an Exacto Knife by stopping the cuts short so as to avoid overcuts as much as possible.
Mr.and Mrs.Kabani(Baumer's Vice-president and his wife) were so pleased, as was the designer of the Cross-stitch charts ,Leslie Wristers, that we had an autograph party for the charts at the shop and they all signed all the copies sold that day. As far as we know there is only two like it, the one Mr. Kabani has in his office and the one at the other shop.
Ron, this is my first attempt at posting my own pictures. How did I do? Maybe from now on I can post a few more pictures.
[ 06-04-2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: BUDDY ]