Home Based to Store Front


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 26, 2002
De Pere, WI
Well, I made the leap from home based to store front, ......at least part-time.

Bought THE frame shop in Pulaski, Wisconsin, Main Street Framing. Will be open part-time, a couple weeknights and saturdays for now.

This past weekend was the annual Pulaski Polka Days celebration. I'm not quite ready for business just yet but opened the door anyway. Several people stopped in, sold a couple framed prints. Met some of the neighboring merchants.

The former owner passed away in January so I bought the business from his family. Nobody to ask how things work, where do I find this, that or the next thing. While I was going through operating manuals trying to find out how to change blades and maintain the equipment, my girlfriend was going through drawers cataloging prints and stuff. Found a framed needlepoint with the invoice dated 2001, the customer never picked it up. There is certainly a lot of "stuff".

I'm excited but at the same time asked myself, "What have I gotten into?"

A couple area artists stopped in. Several locals said they were glad the shop was open again, especially with the evening hours becouse they work days.

A lot of framed and unframed inventory to move. I think I'm going to stay away from carrying prints and just focus on framing.

You'll probably be getting many more questions from me now.
Congratulations! Best of Luck in your new venture!

I was glad to see it was Pulaski, WI, and not Pulaski, NY!
Big Budda, congrats!

I wonder if anyone has ever run a "evenings only" frame shop. Should be an interesting experiment.

Wine social showings during business hours... now theres a concept. :D
At the end of the first day owning my shop I, too, was asking what I'd gotten myself into. It all seemed overwhelming the first day. I went from working at home to working 6 days a week at retail.

I've been working through "stuff" for a year and a half now. There was more at the beginning, but I still seem to come across pockets that appear to date well back in our 20-year history.

Congratulations, and the best of luck to you.
After 7 months, I still ask myself "What have I done?" but then I answer myself "You're fulfilling a dream, THAT'S what you've done!"

My previous owner emptied out all file drawers and I'm still finding "stuff", orders left, no notes, no phone numbers, just names, like "Walt", I just completed one that had been there since October '04!! Some, I figure the client will eventually wander in and then I'll get the information I need to proceed with the order.I recwently found a 14foot "Gallery Open" banner wadded up under a corner in a place I didn't know existed.

My suggestion is to poke through EVERY nook and cranny you can find, and believe me, more crannys will be found!!

Good luck, and remember.....Framing is Fun!!!
Congratulations Denny! I wish you all the best. Your story is bringing back memories of all the stuff I found in my shop almost 5 years ago. Took about a year and a half to get through it all......
Congrats Denny...

It looks like we all have something in common, and this road has been walked before.

Keep your head up and look forward to the things you might find as well as the friendships you will make. In clearing out a corner of scraps and non salvagable moulding I came across a fresh box of museum glass this past week. Made my day.
The former owner did business here for 20 years. She established a loyal client base and was appreciated by every one in town.

I look at it as just picking up where she left off and continuing in the time honored tradition.

Good luck now...
Denny, let me know if you need me to drive over there some evening or weekend and confuse you further. As you know, I have opnions about nearly everything.

You're a talented, personable, hard-working guy and I think you'll do fine.
Thanks everyone for the thoughtful and encouraging words.

My scheduled hours are 5-8PM Tue & Wed, 9-Noon Sat. When I finish my Monday night commitment I'll add Mon 5-8 also.

Ron, any time you're willing to make the trip I would appreciate any and all opinions from you.
Congratulations Denny and good luck!

We did Tuesday thru Friday 6-9 PM and Saturdays 9-4 for many years in a downtown store front and were very successful with those hours. As you pointed out, many of our clientel work from 9-5 and evening hours suit many of them.
Congratulations Denny! This is a big and exciting move for you. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

Please call on me if I can ever be of assistance. I will definitely drop in for a visit one of these days. :D

