Have you seen it?? Is it hand written or does it have any hand written or calligraphic characters on it?
I am not sure what you are referring to. A holograph is a hand written document, usually a will or something hand written by the person wanting to make something legal or to deed a piece of land over to someone else (this was done 250 years ago when homesteading was in vogue).
Hughes Co. tried some "holograms" a few years ago of which I still have a few but these were 3 dimensional photos of subjects that had to be lighted from a certain angle to view the image in full 3D. They were awesome to view but a real pain to frame and light as the light had to be about a foot in front of the image and some angle above the line of sight (I don't recall the exact angle).
You should have a look at the piece and get back with some more information about it so we know what you are referring to.