Best wishes to all my American Friends for their Indepedance Day Celebration!
I just came off the ladder from hanging flags. Today, the 1st of July, is "Canada Day" the day we celebrate the confederation of our country. With flags, parades, cakes, children's festival, and a great fireworks show at dusk it's going to be a fine day. There isn't a cloud in the sky and at 9:00 AM it's all ready 80 degrees. I will only be open for 1 hour today - too much fun to work.
I just came off the ladder from hanging flags. Today, the 1st of July, is "Canada Day" the day we celebrate the confederation of our country. With flags, parades, cakes, children's festival, and a great fireworks show at dusk it's going to be a fine day. There isn't a cloud in the sky and at 9:00 AM it's all ready 80 degrees. I will only be open for 1 hour today - too much fun to work.