HiPur Former by Titebond


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Aug 9, 2003
setauket, ny
HiPur Former by Titebond - Anybody ever try this stuff? It's a hot-glue bonding "system". The kit came with two wood-to-wood glues and one multipurpose glue. So far I used the multipurpose glue. WOW! :eek: It really holds!

I wonder how can I determine if these glues would be acceptable for use in moderate and/or maximum preservation shadow boxing?
One of the simplest tests of such a material employs A/D strips (acid detecting) from The
Image Permanence Institute in Rochester, NY.
One can take a sample of the glue and put it
in a sealed container with one of the blue
strips and store it in a dark place for a few
weeks and watch for color change. Getting a copy
of the MSDS for the product can tell you much
of what is in it, but there may be proprietary
components that are not listed.

Flintstone, are you wanted to use it to JOIN shadowbox frames or to attach objects into the shadowbox?

I wonder if this is similar to the 3M system, which at least a few Grumblers are using.
I haven't tried it for joining...although I do want to try the wood-to-wood glue. I used it to make a...a...well I'll call it a "glue gully" to secure brass rods to the back of the foam board (a technique Jim Miller taught in his shadow box class).

I think I'll try those A/D strips.
