hinge mounting charge


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 19, 1998
whitewater,wi.53190 usa
I know this may sound very basic, but I don't usually get just a mounting job. I am hinge mounting a poster(27x40)on acid free foamcore(1/4"). Nothing else to this job.

My price is 17.03 incl. tax. Seems odd pricing one component of a total job.

I think you should charge enough for each componant of a framing job so that each is profitable. Then you're covered for situations like this.

I also think you should round up so you don't end up with odd numbers like $17.03. I'd round up to $18.00.
I'm trying to figure out what the point of hinging a poster to acidfree foamcore is. Are there mats, glass and frame somewhere else or is it to be hung like this? Protecting it with hinging and acid free seems pointless if it's going to blow in the wind and get fly poop on it.
The customer is putting this in his own frame of some discription. He is also putting those rope lights around the inside also. It's his project. I'm not involed in any of that mess.

The poster is of the movie "Guys and Dolls". The lights are supposed to imitate the marque lights of a movie house.

Like to see that mounting charge up to about 4 or 5 dollars per square foot - 2.27 is a little low?
My retail for hinge mounting and AFFC of that size would be $41.83.

Rounded up to $42 for Ron.

Rounded up to $42 for Ron.
Thank you. You can send me the $.17 by cashier's check or money order.

$24 here (rounded up from $23.845.)

I don't believe I've ever had anyone ask me to just hinge a poster, but I'm ready with a price if they do.

That's to hinge with something like framer's tape. If I'm using torn paper hinges with Nori paste or starch paste, it's $46.00 (rounded up from $45.54.)

Nobody ever asked me to do that, either, and I can't imagine why anyone would. I did a lot of just-dry-mount-it and that would be $33.00.