Hilton-Head/Savannah picture framers


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jan 28, 2005
I need to recommend some picture framers in the Hilton Head/Savannah Ga. area to a client that bought some art from our store.
Mostly posters to frame, but framing nevertheless!

Any one interested?
On their way back, have them stop at Exit 54 on I85 south in North Carolina. I would be more than happy to assist them.

Looks like you're the only one interested Jerry! Will pass the info on to them. Thanks!
Originally posted by puttyboy:
I need to recommend some picture framers in the Hilton Head/Savannah Ga. area
Puttyboy -- you may have already searched the directory of TG registered members and found that there doesn't appear to be any registered members in the Hilton Head/Savannah area.

A search of the PPFA Members database shows the following 3 as PPFA Members in that area:

Friedmans Art Store Inc
Savannah GA 31401-3611

Trends & Traditions of Ardsley Park
Savannah GA 31404-6257 more info...
(2.648 Miles)

Fastframe #326
Hilton Head Island SC 29926-3734

Hope that helps you.
On the other hand--- I would probably be much closer than Jerry (at just 2 1/2 - 3 hours drive from HHI / Savannah) and would be glad to turn their posters into works of art!
Thank you Leary, I didn't think to check the directory. (actually didn't know I could do that.)