Hi... I am new...


Grumbler in Training
Mar 2, 2006
Augusta GA
Hi. I am glad to have found this site. I am looking forward to chatting with others in the framing industry.

My name is Tara, and I am actually a high school art teacher by day ;) . My husband is a professional potter, and to add to the mix, we own a frame shop too!

How in the world did we manage such a combo??? Well, I started framing in 1987, in high school. I had a job in a local frame shop, and stayed there through high school, college, and managed the business my first year out of college. I loved it- framing is a lot of fun. I earned an art degree, and wanted to try my hand at teaching. So , forward over a decade later, and I am securely in a teaching job, I had met and married a great guy, who earned an art degree with pottery as his focus, and my he had found a really cool old building in downtown area for his studio.

I had continued framing through the years as a hobby. Year before last, we decided that part of our building could be renovated into a frame shop. That was good, because quite a few friends and family asked for me to do framing for them on a fairly regular basis.

SO, this past June, we opened our shop. We did major renovations, and we are so proud of what we have! My husband's pottery studio is in one section, then we have a central gallery and customer area, then an assembly room, and a back chop shop area. So far, things are going well.

I taught my DH how to frame. Took a while, but he's really good at it now. We just hired a part-timer last month (with experience.... yay!!! :cool: ). I go to the shop a couple of afternoons a week after school, and on Saturdays. My husband runs the place, and although he'd like more time to devote to his pottery, he's doing a great job!

Oh- did I mention we have a 14 month old daughter? :D :D :D Yeah- we're not just a little busy!!!

Well, I've rambled on long enough.... hope to chat with you all.

Welcome Tara!

We have a shop (competitor of mine) here in the city called "The Prints and the Potter" ... Feel free to steal it if you want .. it's not mine anyway.
Hi Paul.

Hi Cliff.

My Dh is set on Frameworks & Tire City Potters.... that's what the business was for sooooo many years before the business closed and the building went up for lease. Lots of native Augustans know the old Tire City, so that's how we got the name.

I think that the pottery portion should be called the "Mad Potter's Den", but no go......

So- tell me about you all...

But I won't be back until Monday- just looked at the clock, and I have an appt with our accountant to do taxes in less than an hour.... so gotta go, but very happy to have met you. ;)
Welcome to the Grumble, Tara!

I have a newbie question of my own....

What is DH? I assume it means "Darling Husband", or if one is not close, "Dumb Head" perhaps. Or maybe "Darn Husband", or "Doting Houseplant" for all I know....
Tara, keep the company name, but put up a banner saying "Home of The Prints and the Potter!"

It's actually a bad name for a framing company. Your's will be found better anyway.
I think DH is 'Dear Heart'

Welcome Tara,

Have hubby change his name to Harry, name the business 'Harry Potter, the framer's apprentice' or something.

My wife throws pots, darn good shot too!

(OUCH - sorry dear)
Welcome, Tara,

You certainly sound as though you have your hands full with a 14 month old, a teaching job and a framing business! :D Talk about multi-tasking...

This is such a great site, as I'm sure you'll find that out soon enough.
My long suffering wife occasionally uses the terms "BH" and "DH" for "Better Half" and "Dumber Half". I'll let you figure out which is which!
No, no, no!

Tara’s a baseball fan – DH is a “designated hitter”.
Hi Tara-
Welcome! This is a great site-I'm sure you will find a lot of information and moral support here. Your life sounds all too familiar! I am a framer AND a potter (currently on "Wannabe" status for a little bit longer). There are several people here in my area who have been working on ceramic frame designs...some good results, a couple really fine designs, and lots of "reference" pieces. Most are being used for garden art. I'm hoping to have a few samples finished up for hanging in the shop in time for the coming warm season. You have a busy life ahead of you for awhile, but it will go much faster than you can ever imagine, so enjoy it while you can. Great hearing from you and I look forward to more of your posts!
DH = $1.00

or "a buck" as appossed to a doe which would be a "DW"

and then there are some who are "Dead Blind Bambi"...

[Still no-eye deer]
ohhhhh- you guys are funny! I meant DH as "dear husband".... hmmmmmmm, "dumb head".... sometimes that too! ;)

This site seems really friendly. It will be good to have aplace to go with questions and such....

Robo Framer- my Dh has a big beard.... he is definitely a "hairy" potter. :D