
SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 16, 2000
North-East US
Name: L'Eclat de Vere (trad. Sprinkling Glass or Glass Reflections)
Size: 30 stores in France and 2 in Belgium
Website address:
Activity: selling paper, art supplies, lamp shades, books, cards, framing etc.

Their site has 2 different Gallery pages, each with multiple choices.

FIRST GALLERY: On the left hand of their Home page you click on La Galerie. The new page has the following leads:

- L'esprit des iles avec Gogain (Gogain and Island's spirit) Click to enter and then click on each thumbnail to enlarge it.
- La mode sous toutes les coutures (Fashion seen from all angles). Click / click to enlarge.
- La photo dans tous ses cadres (Photography and its shots/frames). Click to enter/Click to enlarge.
- L-art de la table (The art of arranging the table) Click to enter/ Click to enlarge.
- Aux couleurs de l'Amerique latine (Latino colors) Click to enter, click to enlarge.
- Fleurs et Senteurs (Flowers and Scents) Click to enter/Clickk to enlarge
- La couleur joue ses games (The color plays on its scales)

SECOND GALLERY: On their home page click on Service Export. On that new window you have, also on the left hand, just about everything they have to offer and yet another, larger Galerie (Gallery).

Hope you will enjoy looking at this BB's from a safe distance.
One more detail:
Go Home>Service Export>Baguettes>

Baguettess No. 1 and Baguettes No. 2 (regular molding -baguettes-)
bois brut (49 raw wood molding profiles to be finished creatively in house). That explains how come they can offer truly unique and customized frame designs.
maybe they will trade a frame for a barrel of oil!~
In my first post I was giving you the link to a French BB's website ( and, since that site is in French, I also gave minimal directions as how to reach most interesting pages.

Their framing art is absoluly outstanding, perhaps a good source of inspiration for many individual framers, and also a warning of what BB's may one day turn to look like in America as well. If the French BB's named Eclat de Verre can do that quality framing while selling also paper, shades, arts supplies, cards and books, then the American BB's too may one day perform that well and that spells troubled waters ahead.

You can blindly stroll through that Eclat de Verre's site, if you please, but go see their galleres and molding stock. It's a different world than ours.
Thanks for posting this, Cornel. There are some very creative ideas on that site, although many would be considered "craft-y" or overwhelming to the art being framed, or simply too time-consuming to be used very often. However, if one wants to really show off what can be done in the realm of creative framing, these ideas can be very inspiring. Note that there are no high-tech tools necessary for most of them.
Here is the link directly to the "gallery" section, in case you don't have the latest version of Flash to navigate there.
Be sure to check out the various links along the lefthand side too.
Thanks again, Cornel.
:cool: Rick

P.S.: If you find a page you really like, copy its URL from the window at the top of your browser. Then go here:
and paste the URL into the "translate website" box. Choose "French to English" and click "Translate".... Voilá! (NOT "wa la")....You have the page in a reasonably understandable version of English.
Whynot I agree!~
After all Drugstores, Lumber yards, hardware stores, appliances, furniture, office supply, craft stores, art supply stores, wiz bang!~ Chain store and they are doing it and getting better as we type about it!~ But then there are not any (many) left to compare them to any more!~ LOL
I must admit that I've been taken by surprise by this BB's site because we are not talking here of those snotty French frame artists whose websites are not even accessible prior to being admitted in, but of a chain of 32 stores to which framing is just one of their many other activities.
I must have thought that all BB were doing same pell-mell type of business and their framing must have necessarily been performed sloppily, by underpaid kids who don’t know any better than that and don’t really care about it.
And here we get this French BB's with their evidently superior educated and accomplished artisans who frame for the love of their work, not for a minimum pay. Those framers do understand and present the art to be framed through a superior visual display. Those samples are not the works of a computer expert retired in framing business. Some of those works took not only labor but also a very sophisticate eye and vigorous artistic vision to be carried out. Or, as I recall, heart, brains, sophistication, patience, craftsmanship and choice of design and materials were scoring high on individual framers' side (or so the rumor goes) in their competition with BB's the invaders.