SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Name: L'Eclat de Vere (trad. Sprinkling Glass or Glass Reflections)
Size: 30 stores in France and 2 in Belgium
Website address: www.eclatdeverre.com
Activity: selling paper, art supplies, lamp shades, books, cards, framing etc.
Their site has 2 different Gallery pages, each with multiple choices.
FIRST GALLERY: On the left hand of their Home page you click on La Galerie. The new page has the following leads:
- L'esprit des iles avec Gogain (Gogain and Island's spirit) Click to enter and then click on each thumbnail to enlarge it.
- La mode sous toutes les coutures (Fashion seen from all angles). Click / click to enlarge.
- La photo dans tous ses cadres (Photography and its shots/frames). Click to enter/Click to enlarge.
- L-art de la table (The art of arranging the table) Click to enter/ Click to enlarge.
- Aux couleurs de l'Amerique latine (Latino colors) Click to enter, click to enlarge.
- Fleurs et Senteurs (Flowers and Scents) Click to enter/Clickk to enlarge
- La couleur joue ses games (The color plays on its scales)
SECOND GALLERY: On their home page click on Service Export. On that new window you have, also on the left hand, just about everything they have to offer and yet another, larger Galerie (Gallery).
Hope you will enjoy looking at this BB's from a safe distance.
Size: 30 stores in France and 2 in Belgium
Website address: www.eclatdeverre.com
Activity: selling paper, art supplies, lamp shades, books, cards, framing etc.
Their site has 2 different Gallery pages, each with multiple choices.
FIRST GALLERY: On the left hand of their Home page you click on La Galerie. The new page has the following leads:
- L'esprit des iles avec Gogain (Gogain and Island's spirit) Click to enter and then click on each thumbnail to enlarge it.
- La mode sous toutes les coutures (Fashion seen from all angles). Click / click to enlarge.
- La photo dans tous ses cadres (Photography and its shots/frames). Click to enter/Click to enlarge.
- L-art de la table (The art of arranging the table) Click to enter/ Click to enlarge.
- Aux couleurs de l'Amerique latine (Latino colors) Click to enter, click to enlarge.
- Fleurs et Senteurs (Flowers and Scents) Click to enter/Clickk to enlarge
- La couleur joue ses games (The color plays on its scales)
SECOND GALLERY: On their home page click on Service Export. On that new window you have, also on the left hand, just about everything they have to offer and yet another, larger Galerie (Gallery).
Hope you will enjoy looking at this BB's from a safe distance.