PFG, Picture Framing God
"Obnoxious" warning here, so turn down your sound before you check out Herculese Hooks
I usually mute our old friend (ACK!) BILLY MAYES HERE FOR OXYCLEAN!!, but this one got my attention. I can just see it now...these things must've been invented by the Drywall Repair guys!
Edit: It appears we got lucky and Billy Mayes doesn't get to scream after all, but the info is still there. I wonder if this will be at the Atlanta show? Ha!!
I usually mute our old friend (ACK!) BILLY MAYES HERE FOR OXYCLEAN!!, but this one got my attention. I can just see it now...these things must've been invented by the Drywall Repair guys!
Edit: It appears we got lucky and Billy Mayes doesn't get to scream after all, but the info is still there. I wonder if this will be at the Atlanta show? Ha!!