Her a Wizard, There a Wizard....

danny boy

PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 18, 2004
Oregon's Bay Area
OK I am looking at a frame shop that also has a Wizard CMC that I can take over the lease. Pros and cons are appreciated as well as practical advise. I have experience with an Eclipse Pro but this would be for my shop. The condition is clean and in good repair. The owner is very kind to people as well as equipment. Your help is appreciated.

Danny boy
no offense, but what is your question?

I have a Wizard and have been very happy.

you should be able to learn it easily.

I suspect the Wizard should be a minor consideration if AT ALL!

???? What is it you want to know?
Hey Danny, if you'd like a demo copy of our software feel free to shoot me an email and I'll get one sent out for you...
Do you see any advantage to assuming a lease vs. originating one of your own?
Just rent, then switch to lease to own if that is what you want
Danny, do you mean LEASE, or are you saying the shop is on the rental program? Are you asking should you take on the responsibility of a true lease? What is the organization of the shop (sole proprietorship, incorporated, ...)? That will tell you if you have an option. (assuming that was the question.)

Are you wondering whether to buy the shop at all because it has a Wizard?

Oh yeah, is it a 5000 or an 8000?
Great service department! (Not that we ever needed it, but sometimes I just don't read directions very well.)

Wizards are great, in my book.
Thank you for the response. First off I believe the Wizard is a great product. My question should have read as follows. I am looking at transfering a Wizard lease/rental into my name. I feel it would be an asset to the frame shop. And make my life easier/profitable. Am I gaining anything from resuming the lease/rental? Or am I better off to start fresh. Anyone been down this road before? I believe a transfer fee is around $350-550. So, here I sit... Thank you!

Danny Boy
It's easy enough to find a distributor and sign a lease/rental agreement - why assume one????

Yes - the Wiz will make your life easier and more profitable. It will also make you more attractive, smarter, smell better, richer in ways you can yet imagine...... :D

I so look forward to the day when I can finally put on my big boy pants and get a Wizard. Life will certainly become more profitable and bright.

Of course, if the good folks at Wizard have an old one just gathering dust, and it really needs a new home, I'm open to discussing possibilities!

But that's just me, always trying to help the other guy.
If you were able to purchase a used one, which I did, I would say go for it. Assuming a lease would be more dependent on $$$. You need to look at that closely with an eye on start-up costs on a new lease vs. transfer fees.

The question about model number is still unanswered.

In either event, Wizard makes you very comfortable in the transition. With my used one, I am treated as if I were the original owner. Same benefits, and same retained value.
Model # matters. If it's a 5000, I would take the opportunity to upgrade. If it's an 8000, call Wizard and get the details for each option.

I rented for 1 1/2 years and then purchased. (with a line-of-credit from the bank) There were varied reasons for this. Your business organization (Sole Prop, inc. ... changes things some) as well as your capitalization (how much $$$ do you have available) and other factors can effect the decision. you probably should talk to your accountant.

Personnaly, I would not assume a 5000 rental, but would do a detail analysis of the options for an 8000.

Oh yeah, if that shop has been renting for a time, Wizard may give you soem credit toward purchasing it. Check out what the purchase price of THAT used machine would be from Wizard. You might be pleasantly surprised. A really good deal would alter my comments about the 5000 vs. 8000 debate.
Hello Danny,

My name is Wendy and I work for Wizard International, Inc. I think I can shed some light on the different options available to you concerning the existing shop owner’s Wizard CMC.

Wizard offers a variety of upgrade and transfer options. With the shop name, I can look up the account in our database and give you the specific options that are available on that system. Then you’ll have all the facts to make your decision. Even if it is a Wizard CMC 5000, you will still have the opportunity to upgrade to the Wizard CMC 8000 at a much lower price than if you were to start a new rental agreement or purchase on your own. Either way, you’ll be able to rep the benefits of the current customer’s rental status.

If you’re interested, please give me a call at your convenience. (888) 855-3335

Good luck in your new endeavor!

I really Like the way Wizard is using "Wizard#####" prefix for all their screen names!~ Just one more thing to like about this company!~

Danny if the numbers work on the shop then the Wizard Is the icing. Personnelly I think the 5000 is a great machine and the 8000 is just an improvemnet of that!~ Congratulations on a new shop!~
I love my Wizard......


Johnny (A happy Wizard user for 9 years, at 10 do I get a watch or something?)