

PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I changed my screen name to post under Dr fraud, and now I can't change it back!!!
Or could it be that you have just become that other person. You played around with it so much that now your personality has fused with this Charles person. You have regressed so far back that you aren't even aware of who you really are. I'd say it was classic "Fraud". Charles probably loved his mother too much or wet the bed or something. I think Dr. Fraud also would stress that many times we feel we are somebody else, there is nothing wrong with that, just so long as we don't become that somebody else.

The very title of your post truly can only be seen as a cry for "Help!" Just asking for help and admitting you have a problem is half the battle. Either that or you have just pushed the wrong key on the computer and Ron can clear it up in the morning, whoever you are.
Hmmm...Vell, callink on mine eghtenzive zhychiartic background, I haff only 2 vhords vor you, Miss Kathy: "Zhays you!!!"

Zhis ozher perzon who calls himzelf Charles, iss really in need off help. He is hoping zhat R--rr-rron vill IM or email him zhis mornink.
Charles/Dr. Fraud,

I thought we discussed this already. Remember when I was Ron Lowry for a short time and I couldn't get back to being Ron Eggers? I had to become RonEggers instead! That was/is very traumatic for me! I need my space!!

Do you have a middle initial? Try a screen name with that included. (That won't help ME. Ron IS my middle name.) Or take the CPF exam and become Charles Lowry, CPF. That has a nice ring!
Ron, do you REALLY expect me to remember anything longer than 15 minutes???
I changed my name and used my old Fone Co title.

Thanks for jogging my memory, and thanks for NOT taking ME jogging. Altho' my memory is a bit tired from that jogging you gave it...

Thanks again, pal!
Originally posted by Charles Lowry C.E.T.:
I changed my name and used my old Fone Co title.
That has a nice ring to it, too!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

(Okay. To the shower, then the dog park.)
Originally posted by RonEggers:
Charles/Dr. Fraud,

I had to become RonEggers instead! That was/is very traumatic for me! I need my space!!

How about "Ron Eggers"? Just adjust the spacing to give yourself enough room.
(Interesting. I put about 5 spaces between each word but it only shows as one space.)
I tried that, Curly. (Warped minds think alike.) I got the same result you did and the new Grumble would not accept it.

I'm thinking of having my name legally changed to Microdol Sperduto.